2023年11月9日 星期四

YES, Ulysses : Yes, yes ", slow yeses.", nay, naysayer, honorable, paunch, disembowel, rack up, yoke, subjugation, corporation

Ulysses : Yes, yes - The Joyce Project
m.joyceproject.com › 180005yesyes

In Brief. Molly Bloom's monologue begins and ends with "Yes," a word which she repeats throughout Penelope. The effect is as consciously rhetorical on Joyce's part as any linguistic patterning in Aeolus or Oxen of the Sun.

A wide range of issues, including worries about a new product and concerns with how it might interact with other treatments, are causing people to hold off. Instead of calling people "vaccine hesitant," one Black physician suggests the phrase "slow yeses."

Carried out by Italian forces during the occupation of 1936-41, the Ethiopian government estimates that some 30,000 Ethiopians died. Witnesses reported crushed babies, disembowelled pregnant women and the burning of entire families
For Italians, it was a garden-variety colonial atrocity. For Ethiopians it was a…

Chinese Ways of Empire, Then and Now

Hong Kong, beware: Ancient history provides ominous examples of China subjugating rebellious peoples on its periphery.

The contact of sea waves against the skin, or the grateful warmth of fire against human naked- ness can, and should, have an influence on every sentence. The smell of snow, the smell of a hay cock in the sun, nay, the smell that rises from the intestines of a rabbit when a man is paunching It with his pocket knife, should prove its periods.

The smell of snow, the smell of a hay cock in the sun, nay, the smell that rises from the intestines of a rabbit when a man is paunching It with his pocket knife, should prove its periods.

William F. Lee To Serve as Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow

Intellectual property lawyer William F. Lee ’72 will become the senior fellow of the Harvard Corporation—Harvard’s highest governing body—in the summer of 2014, the University announced in a press release Tuesday afternoon. His promotion comes as current Senior Fellow Robert D. Reischauer ’63 and Corporation member Robert E. Rubin ’60 prepare to leave their posts next summer.

戦争ポンチ わしたいぢ / Sensō ponchi: Washi taiji / War Comics: The Subjugation of Eagle

A UBS Trader, From Typical to Rogue Kweku Adoboli, identified as the rogue UBS trader who racked up $2 billion in losses, followed a traditional path in finance, but was taken into custody by police on Thursday.

Obama Yokes Benefit Cuts to New Taxes
The president threatened to veto any bill that cuts Medicare benefits without increasing taxes on corporations or the wealthy, setting his sharpest boundaries yet in negotiations over reducing the federal deficit.

In part, public health experts blame Japan’s romanticized image of suicide as an honorable escape, going back to ritual self-disembowelment 切腹 by medieval samurai, for the high suicide rate. But the main cause, they say, is the nation’s long economic decline. Suicides first surged to their recent high levels in 1998, when traditional lifetime employment guarantees began to vanish, and they have remained high as salaries and job security continued to erode.

Topic :-

      " Ulysses " by James Joyce. 

1) Introduction:
"Ulysses" is a highly influential modernist novel written by Irish author James Joyce. It was first serialized between 1918 and 1920, and later published as a complete work in 1922. The novel is known for its complex narrative structure, experimental language, and controversial themes. "Ulysses" is widely regarded as one of the greatest literary achievements of the 20th century, and it has had a profound impact on subsequent literature.

2) Summary:
"Ulysses" takes place over the course of a single day, June 16, 1904, in Dublin, Ireland. The book follows the parallel stories of three main characters: Leopold Bloom, Stephen Dedalus, and Molly Bloom. Each character represents different aspects of Odysseus, the mythological hero from Homer's "Odyssey."

Leopold Bloom is a Jewish advertising salesman who embarks on a series of events throughout the day while pondering his wife's infidelity. Stephen Dedalus, a young artist and intellectual, is navigating his own personal and artistic struggles. Molly Bloom, Leopold's wife, is presented in the final chapter and provides a stream-of-consciousness monologue that reveals intimate details of her thoughts and desires.

The novel is known for its non-linear narrative style, with multiple perspectives, interruptions, and a highly intricate structure. It explores various themes, including sexuality, religion, nationalism, identity, and the human condition. Each of the 18 episodes in the novel showcases different literary styles and techniques, challenging traditional storytelling conventions.

3) Critical Analysis:
"Ulysses" is often hailed as a masterpiece of modernist literature, as it pushed the boundaries of what a novel could be. Joyce's experimental writing style, use of stream-of-consciousness, and incorporation of multiple voices and perspectives left a lasting impact on the literary world.

The novel has faced criticism for its complexity and difficulty. Its dense language, intricate structure, and allusions to a wide range of cultural and literary sources can make it a challenging read. Additionally, some readers and critics have considered certain aspects of the novel obscene or offensive due to its explicit sexual content and exploration of taboo topics.

However, "Ulysses" is also celebrated for its profound exploration of ordinary human experiences and its acute observations of Dublin life. Joyce's richly detailed characters and his ability to capture the essence of everyday existence resonate with readers. The novel's intricate intertextuality and densely layered narrative have inspired countless scholars and writers, making it a major landmark in literary history.

In conclusion, "Ulysses" is a highly complex and influential novel that showcases James Joyce's remarkable literary innovation. Its challenging style and controversial themes have made it one of the most studied and debated works in modern literature. Despite its difficulty, "Ulysses" remains a seminal work that continues to fascinate and inspire readers.


  • 発音記号[ɑ'nərəbl | ɔ'n-]
1 〈人・行為などが〉正しい, 高潔な, りっぱな
honorable conduct
honorable mention
assured her that my intentions were honorable.
2 〈人が〉りっぱな, 高貴な, すぐれた
He is truly an honorable figure.
3 〈人・物・事が〉名誉[尊敬]に値する;〈事・物が〉名誉[栄光]ある
an honorable death
an honorable burial
honorable discharge
All work is honorable.
4 〈取り決め・合意などが〉(全関係者に)公平な.
5 ((H-))閣下.
(1) ((英))侯爵以下の子弟と女官, 高等法院判事, 自治領・植民地の行政管などに対する敬称
the Honorable gentleman [=my Honorable friend
(2) ((米))国会議員や州議員などに対する敬称.
[副]りっぱに, 正しく.
(adjective) Deserving of esteem and respect.
Synonyms:estimable, respectable, good
Usage:You are offended at being put on duty a bit, but why not apologize to an old and honorable officer?

v., yoked, yok·ing, yokes. v.tr.
  1. To fit or join with a yoke.
    1. To harness a draft animal to.
    2. To harness (a draft animal) to a vehicle or an implement.
  2. To join securely as if with a yoke; bind: partners who were yoked together for life.
  3. To force into heavy labor, bondage, or subjugation.
To become joined securely.

rack up
Accumulate or score, as in Last night's episode of that new sitcom racked up at least fifteen points in the ratings. [Colloquial; mid-1900s]


  • 発音記号[sʌ'bdʒugèit]
[動](他)…を支配下に置く, 征服する;…を服従[隷属]させる;…を意のままにあやつる.
[後ラテン語subjugātus (sub-下に+jugōくびき+-ATE1=支配下に置かれた). △CONJUGATE
[名][U]鎮圧, 服従, 従属.


Translate corporation | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


  • 1a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law: the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation multinational corporations
  • 2British a group of people elected to govern a city, town, or borough: the City of London Corporation
  • 3 dated, humorous a paunch.


late Middle English: from late Latin corporatio(n-), from Latin corporare 'combine in one body' (see corporate)


Line breaks: paunch
Pronunciation: /pɔːn(t)ʃ/


  • 2Nautical, • archaic A thick strong mat used to give protection from chafing on a mast or spar.


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ADJECTIVE (paunchierpaunchiest)


late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman Frenchpa(u)nche, based on Latin pantexpantic-, usually in the plural in the sense 'intestines'.


Line breaks: dis|em¦bowel
Pronunciation: /ˌdɪsɪmˈbaʊəl , ˌdɪsɛm-/

VERB (disembowelsdisembowelling,disembowelledUS disembowelsdisemboweling,disemboweled)






Line breaks: nay


  • 1Or rather (used to emphasize a more appropriate word than one just used):permission to build the superstore will take months, nay years


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Middle English (in sense 2 of the adverb): from Old Norsenei, from ne 'not' + ei 'ever' (compare with aye2).
