2023年5月25日 星期四

muff, go under, make good, bung, rollout,

DeSantis Plows Ahead With Whirlwind of Friendly Interviews and a Tour

Trying to regroup after a bumpy Twitter rollout, Ron DeSantis sought to make new headlines, suggesting that he might consider pardoning Donald Trump if he faced federal charges.

A record 3% of America’s workforce quit their jobs in September. 

Employees are footloose elsewhere too—and high rates of churn may be here to stay. 

What should managers be doing to combat the Great Resignation?

A conventional solution—identifying a few star performers and bunging them extra money—may no longer be so effective. Instead, managers need to pull different levers to retain different types of people https://econ.st/3FP8PF5

Illustration: Paul Blow
Winter (aka Woman with a Muff), 1880

  1. 1.
    the unveiling of a new aircraft or spacecraft.
    "the official roll-out is on 30 July"
  2. 2.
    the stage of an aircraft's landing during which it travels along the runway while losing speed.
    "bumpy ground during the roll-out can start a series of sharp little bounces"

make good
1. Carry out successfully, make sure of, as in He made good his escape. This usage was first recorded in 1606.
2. Fulfill, as in She made good her promise. This usage was first recorded in Miles Coverdale's 1535 translation of the Bible (II Chronicles 6:16): "Make good unto my father, David ... that which thou hast promised him."
3. Compensate for, make up for, as in They made good the loss. This usage first appeared in William Langland's Piers Ploughman (1377).
4. Succeed, as in He made good as a writer. [c. 1900]

go under
1. Suffer defeat or destruction; fail. For example, We feared the business would go under after the founder died. [Mid-1800s]
2. Lose consciousness. For example, Ether was the first anesthetic to make patients go under quickly and completely. This usage dates from the 1930s.
3. Submerge, sink, as in This leaky boat is about to go under.

Mr. Obama's recitation of the oath of office on Monday was to be his fourth─matching President Franklin D. Roosevelt's mark─delivering it twice in 2009 and now twice in 2013. In 2009, he repeated the oath in a private ceremony after lawyers concluded that the muffing of the exact words during the public event by both Chief Justice John Roberts and then Mr. Obama could create a challenge to his authority.奧 巴馬週一念的就職誓詞是他的第四次──和羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)總統一樣──他在2009年念了兩次﹐2013年又念了兩次。2009年﹐律師認定公開就職典禮上最高法院首席法官羅伯茨(John Roberts)和奧巴馬念就職誓言時吐字不清﹐可能給他的權威帶來挑戰﹐於是他在私人典禮上又念了一遍誓詞。

聽力保護具 閱Ear Muff(耳罩);Industrial Ear Plugs(工業用耳塞)。(mŭf) pronunciation

v., muffed, muff·ing, muffs. v.tr.
  1. To perform or handle clumsily; bungle. See synonyms at botch.
  2. Sports. To fail to make (a catch).
To perform an act clumsily.

  1. A clumsy or bungled action.
  2. Sports. A failure to make a catch.
[Origin unknown.]

muff2 (mŭf) pronunciation
  1. A small cylindrical fur or cloth cover, open at both ends, in which the hands are placed for warmth.
  2. A cluster of feathers on the side of the face of certain breeds of fowl.
  3. Vulgar Slang. The vulva.
[Dutch mof, from Middle Dutch moffel, from Old French mofle, mitten, from Medieval Latin muffula, perhaps of Germanic origin.]


  • 発音記号[mʌ'f]
1 マフ:女性用の円筒状の手袋.
2 耳羽(じう):鳥の側頭部の羽毛の房.
3 失敗, やりそこない;《スポーツ》落球
make a muff of the business
4 無器用な人;運動競技のへたな人;能なし, まぬけ.
5 ((俗))女性器
a muff diver
━━[動](他)((略式))〈仕事・芝居の役などを〉しくじる, 失敗する, とちる((up));《スポーツ》〈ボールを〉落とす
muff it (up)
