2024年4月5日 星期五

menopause, meno-, oestrogen. Dwindling Ammunition Stocks Pose Grave Threat to Ukraine

Dwindling Ammunition Stocks Pose Grave Threat to Ukraine

What few munitions remain are often mismatched with battlefield needs as the country’s forces gird for an expected Russian offensive this summer.

《中英對照讀新聞》Soy does not ease the menopause 大豆不會緩解更年期症狀


Soy appears to do nothing to relieve the symptoms of menopause, scientists say, despite the high hopes of many. A study involving nearly 250 US women found soy tablets did not abate hot flushes or bone density loss. The tablets were no better than placebo over the two-year-long investigation, Archives of Internal Medicine reports. But experts said other studies have shown soy can ease menopause symptoms.


The dose given in the latest trial was twice that normally ingested by people with soy-rich diets. Soy products like tofu contain natural plant oestrogens and experts have suggested that these might help women going through the menopause whose own oestrogen levels are dwindling.


The researchers from the University of Miami say their work suggests soy is not a candidate, although they stress that they only looked at soy isoflavone tablets rather than other dietary sources of soy.


They recruited 248 menopausal women to take part in their study and randomly allocated them to one of two groups: soy or placebo. The soy group received 200mg of soy isoflavone tablets daily for two years. During the follow-up, no significant differences were found between the two groups regarding changes in bone loss.



abate:動詞,減輕。例句:The storm has started to abate. (暴風雨開始緩和下來了。)

relieve:動詞,減緩。例句:She was given a shot of morphine to relieve the pain.(她打了一針嗎啡減輕疼痛。)

ingest:動詞,吸收、攝取。例句:She ingested large amounts of information very quickly.(她在短時間迅速吸收大量資訊。)


(mĕn'ə-pôz') pronunciation
  1. The permanent cessation of menstruation, occurring usually between the ages of 45 and 55.
  2. The period during which such cessation occurs.

[New Latin mēnopausis : MENO- + Greek pausis, pause; see pause.]

menopausal men'o·paus'al adj.
  • [ménəpɔːz]

[名]((the 〜))閉経期, 更年期.
[フランス語ménopause (MENO-+PAUSE=月のものがなくなること)]


  • 発音記号[ménou-, -nə-]

or men-
  1. Menstruation: menarche.
[mənɑ'ːrki] [名]月経開始期, 初潮.

  1. Menses:
  2. [ménsiːz]


  1. menorrhagia.

[Greek, from mēn, month.]


  • 発音記号[éstrədʒən | íːs-]


  • [éstrədʒən]

estrogen replacement therapy
[形]発情促進の, 発情させる.
