2013年4月28日 星期日

unsung, Briton, stew on, Britannia, stuff, stuffy, overstuffed, made the trip, unwept, public good

The New Philanthropists: More Sophisticated, More Demanding -- and Younger
Steel magnate Andrew Carnegie once said that he who dies leaving behind many millions will "pass away unwept, unhonored and unsung." That philosophy took root in much of the last century, with major philanthropists giving vast fortunes in their later years to institutions devoted to the public good. But donors today aren't taking any chances. They are integrating the practice of philanthropy into their education and flexing philanthropic muscle at a younger age than their predecessors.

Educated Germans are familiar with the works of the brothers; their disagreement over World War I, which Heinrich opposed; and their generally chilly relationship. The unveiling of the postcards made the evening news and the newspapers, in part because it came as rather a surprise to see the supposedly stuffy Thomas going on about slippers and dentists. Some of the bad blood between Thomas and Heinrich (“The myth of the eternal, fraternal strife,” as the daily Stuttgarter Zeitung put it) might need a bit of revision as well.
受過教育的德國人對曼氏兄弟耳熟能詳,不僅是對於他們的作品而言,還包 括二人對於一戰的意見分歧(亨利希反對),以及二人向來冷淡的兄弟關係。此次發現這組明信片的消息,登上了晚間新聞和報紙,部分原因,是其展現了托馬 斯·曼的另一面,令人出乎意料:一般總認為他為人沉悶,哪曾想,他也可以就拖鞋和牙醫之類的話題喋喋不休。同時,湯瑪斯與亨利希之間的嫌隙——據《斯圖加 特日報》(Stuttgarter Zeitung)稱,所謂永恆的兄弟鬥爭神話”——可能也需要一些修訂了。

That supplement was swallowed whole into a new 1989 edition, but the 1933 supplement was not — and therein lies the rub. In compiling his supplement, was Dr. Burchfield more stuffy about the English language than his predecessors, or not?

China Charges Wife of Ousted Official in Briton’s Killing
Gu Kailai, the wife of the disgraced political leader Bo Xilai, has been indicted for intentional homicide, in a crime that has triggered a political crisis in China. 

The people of the mountains he remembered, too. On his ascent of K2 he took a pair of micro-hydroelectric systems to give non-smoky light and heat to two remote villages. This made the trip for him, though he never reached the top. He kept a watch on how climate change was affecting both the Himalayas and the Alps. But he never wanted to be part of any large and overstuffed expedition. Nor did he seek out the celebrity peaks, or brag about “conquering” the unsung 6,000-7,000-metre peaks he preferred.

Europe Stews on Greece, and Markets Sweat Out the Wait

Once an aid plan for Greece is wrapped up, it will likely be weeks or even months before any action on a broader rescue for Europe comes to pass.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[brítn]
1 ((形式))大ブリテン人, 英国人, (特に)イングランド人.
2 ブリトン人:ケルト系民族の一派.


v., stewed, stew·ing, stews.v.tr.
To cook (food) by simmering or boiling slowly.

  1. To undergo cooking by boiling slowly or simmering. See synonyms at boil1.
  2. Informal. To suffer with oppressive heat or stuffy confinement; swelter.
  3. Informal. To be in a state of anxiety or agitation. See synonyms at brood.

News Analysis: Rude Britannia

Could the Murdoch hacking scandal be a symbol of something more — a society that has lost its way?


brĭ-tăn'yə, -tăn'ē-ə) pronunciation
  1. A female personification of Great Britain or the British Empire.
  2. also britannia Britannia metal.
[Latin, Britain, from Britannī, the Britons.]
Britannia, the Roman name for the British Isles revived by Camden (1586), has become the poetic name for Britain. Personified as a seated female figure, she appeared emblematically (modelled by Fran


1 …を過度に詰め込む.
2 〈いすなどを〉詰め物と張り地で厚く張りぐるむ.ces Stewart) on Charles II's 1667 peace of Breda medal and copper coinage (1672); the ‘union’ shield resting alongside bore the crosses of St George and St Andrew.
 (ō'vər-stŭf') pronunciation
tr.v., -stuffed, -stuff·ing, -stuffs.
  1. To stuff too much into: overstuff a suitcase.
  2. To upholster (an armchair, for example) deeply and thickly.

 overstuffed adj.


v., stuffed, stuff·ing, stuffs.
    1. To pack (a container) tightly; cram: stuff a Christmas stocking.
    2. To block (a passage); plug: stuff a crack with caulking.
    3. Basketball. To block (a shot or an opponent who is shooting), especially before the ball leaves the shooter's hands.
    1. To place forcefully into a container or space; thrust: stuffed laundry into the bag.
    2. Sports. To shoot (a ball or puck) forcefully into the goal from close range.
    3. Basketball. To dunk (the ball).
    1. To fill with an appropriate stuffing: stuff a pillow.
    2. To fill (an animal skin) to restore its natural form for mounting or display.
  1. To cram with food.
  2. To fill (the mind): His head is stuffed with silly notions.
  3. To put fraudulent votes into (a ballot box).
  4. To apply a preservative and softening agent to (leather).

 maketake, go on] a trip to ...
…へ旅行する(▼((米))make a tripは商用などの旅行に, take a tripは観光旅行に用いる)


  1. (of a place) Lacking fresh air or ventilation.
  2. (of a person's nose) Blocked up and making breathing difficult, typically as a result of illness.

sultry - airless - close - stifling


stuff • y
[形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 〈場所が〉風通し[換気]の悪い, 息苦しい;〈鼻が〉詰まった;〈頭が〉重い.
2 〈演説・文章などが〉つまらない, 退屈な.
3 ((略式))もったいぶった, 尊大な, 堅苦しい, 古臭い;((主に英))〈人・精神などが〉古風な, 保守的な.


Pronunciation: /ʌnˈwɛpt/
Definition of unwept


chiefly literary
(of a person) not mourned or lamented.


Pronunciation: /ʌnˈsʌŋ/
Definition of unsung


not celebrated or praised:Harvey is one of the unsung heroes of the industrial revolution

Definition of public good


  • 1 Economics a commodity or service that is provided without profit to all members of a society, either by the government or by a private individual or organization.
2the benefit or well-being of the public:the frequent conflict between the public good and private interests
