2013年7月3日 星期三

garrison, dress up/ down, fortress

 Eich stressed that Firefox OS is not “aiming high and crashing into Fortress Apple and Fortress Google.” Instead, he said, it’s an effort to bring feature-phone users to a “real Web smartphone” with lots of app choices.

《中英對照讀新聞》‘Osama is alive!’ mock Pakistanis outside bin Laden home 「奧薩瑪還活著!」巴基斯坦人在賓拉丹住家外嘲弄
Dozens of Pakistani youths on Tuesday demonstrated outside the upmarket compound where Osama bin Laden was killed, mocking the United States and shouting "Osama is alive!"
Unconvinced by news that the Al-Qaeda kingpin had been living in their leafy city of Abbottabad, one protester dressed up as the world’s "most-wanted" man, who was killed in a helicopter raid by US commandos.
"Osama is alive, here comes Osama!" he exclaimed jokingly, donning a white turban and hiding his face with a cloth.
Another in the group, wearing a black turban similar to that sported by the Taliban’s supreme leader Mullah Omar, suggested that the raid had been a fake.
Conspiracy theories, propped up by distrust of the United States, have spread quickly among residents in the quiet, relatively well-to-do garrison town after the news emerged of bin Laden’s death on their doorstep.
mock:動詞,嘲弄、模仿。例句:The naughty boys mocked the blind man.(這群頑皮孩子嘲弄那個盲人。)
dress up:片語,打扮、盛裝。例句:He intended to dress up as a ghost.(他打算扮成鬼。)
well-to-do:形容詞,富有的、寬裕的。例句:He came from a well-to-do family.(他來自一個富裕家庭。)


Syllabification: (for·tress)
Pronunciation: /ˈfôrtrəs/
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Definition of fortress


  • a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town fit for a large garrison.
  • a heavily protected and impenetrable building.
  • figurative a person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance:he had proved himself to be a fortress of moral rectitude


Middle English: from Old French forteresse 'strong place', based on Latin fortis 'strong'


1 (要塞(ようさい)の)守備隊, 駐屯(ちゅうとん)
a fortress garrison
in garrison
2 (守備隊の置かれる)要塞, (常設された)とりで;駐留地.
━━[動](他)〈…に〉守備隊を駐屯させる;〈軍隊を〉〈駐屯地などに〉配置する, 守備につかせる;〈要塞などを〉軍隊で占領する.
[古フランス語garison (garir防ぐ+-son). 古高地ドイツ語ではwarjan. △GARNISH
