2015年2月15日 星期日

entourage, bíopìc, pull no punches, back of my hand, know like the back of one's hand

Whenever there is an aura of money and power, an entourage grows up, and that is what's happened in Washington, DC. In an excerpt from "This Town," Mark Leibovich recounts the entourage's recent history. A good ‪#‎longread‬ for the long weekend.

Temple Grandin is a 2010 biopic directed by Mick Jackson and starring Claire Danes as Temple Grandin, a woman with autism who revolutionized practices for the humane handling of livestock on cattle ranches and slaughterhouses.

《中英對照讀新聞》Sarkozy biopic to pull no punches at Cannes 薩科茲傳記影片在坎城首映將直言不諱

The much-anticipated film about Nicolas Sarkozy’s rise to power that is to premiere at Cannes will pull no punches as it strips bear French politics, scriptwriter Patrick Rotman said.
The French president has already said he will not be seeing "La Conquete", directed by Xavier Durringer, which Rotman describes as "the story of a man who conquers power and loses his wife," Cecilia.
"I did an enormous amount of investigation," Rotman said of the film centred on the 2007 French presidential campaign. "I needed to know the story like the back of my hand," he said.
The film is unembarrassed about showing politicians as they are -- at least away from the electorate’s view.
"Lots of people will be surprised by the violence and cruelty of the milieu’s language," says Rotman. "And every journalist who spends time with politicians knows that they swear like troopers, especially (former president Jacques) Chirac and Dominique de Villepin. Nicolas Sarkozy flies off the handle with his entourage ."


pull no punches:片語,指毫不保留地告訴別人你的看法,例句︰Her image is that of an investigative reporter who doesn’t pull any punches.(她的形象就是直言不諱的調查記者。)
Behave unrestrainedly, hold nothing back, as in The doctor pulled no punches but told us the whole truth. This expression comes from boxing, where to pull one's punches means "to hit less hard than one can." This idiom, too, has been applied more generally, as in They decided to pull their punches during these delicate negotiations. [First half of 1900s]

entourageLine breaks: en¦tou|rage
Pronunciation: /ˈɒntʊrɑːʒ 
, ˌɒntʊ(ə)ˈrɑːʒ 

Definition of entourage in English:


group of people attending or surrounding animportant person:an entourage of loyal courtiers

to know something/someone like the back of one’s hand:片語,指對某事或某人瞭若指掌。例句︰He knows the software like the back of his hand, and can often solve problems over the phone, without looking.(他對這套軟體瞭若指掌,根本不用看就能在電話上解決問題。)

=know like a book
Also, know like the back of one's hand or know backwards and forwards. Be extremely familiar with or knowledgeable about; understand perfectly. For example, I know Greg like a book--I'm sure he'll come, or I know this town like the back of my hand, or John knew his part backwards and forwards. The first of these hyperbolic idioms, dating from the early 1800s, has a close cousin in read like a book, which means "to discern someone's intent," as in I can read Greg like a book; also see under open book. The second (back of hand) dates only from the mid-1900s. Also see backwards and forwards, def. 2; inside out, def. 2; know all the answers.

比較: back of my hand
Rejection or contempt, as in Unimpressed with him, she gave the back of her hand to his suggestion. This phrase is usually the object of a verb such as give or show. [Second half of 1700s] Back of the hand similarly means "an insult" in the term back-handed compliment (see under left-handed compliment) but has a quite different meaning in know like the back of one's hand (see under know like a book).

fly off the handle:片語,指對某人或對事大發雷霆。例句︰He really flew off the handle when I suggested selling the house.(當我建議賣掉房子時,他真的大為光火。)

('ō-pĭk') pronunciation
A film or television biography, often with fictionalized episodes.

[biography picture]
