2020年2月6日 星期四

wag, chinwag, finger-wagging, go beep-beep, wag one's tongue, wade into

A cartoon by Tom Cheney, from 1985.

"Despite the finger-wagging, PR experts say it’s unlikely that majorNFL sponsors like Verizon and PepsiCo would pull their sponsorship."

 Last night, Barack Obama waded into new territory with a plan for the nation that seemed to rely particularly heavily on gee-whiz technology. In fact, Obama made so many references to 3-D printing, genome mapping, Apple, and clean energy that some wags on Twitter suggested he might be trying out for a writing position at a technology magazine.

[動](自)1 (水の中を)歩く, 歩いて渡る;(雪・泥・草などの中を)やっと[骨折って]通る((across, into, through ...)) wade across a river川...
wade in
(1) 浅瀬に入る.(2) ((略式))勢いよく攻撃する;(むずかしいことを)勢いよく始める.(3) ((英略式))干渉する;活発に参加する.
wade into
((略式))(1) 〈むずかしい仕事などを〉元気よく始める.(2) 〈人を〉激しく攻撃する;〈人と〉けんかする.(3) ⇒(自)1

v., wagged, wag·ging, wags. v.intr.
  1. To move briskly and repeatedly from side to side, to and fro, or up and down.
  2. To move rapidly in talking. Used of the tongue.
  3. To walk with a clumsy sway; waddle.
  4. Archaic. To be on one's way; depart.
To move (a body part) rapidly from side to side or up and down, as in playfulness, agreement, admonition, or chatter.

The act or motion of wagging: a farewell wag of the hand.

[Middle English waggen.]
wagger wag'ger n.

wag2 (wăg) pronunciation
A humorous or droll person; a wit.

[Perhaps from WAG1.]

To express oneself in speech: speak, talk, verbalize.

  Idioms: open one's mouth lips, put in into words, wag one's tongue. See words.べらべらしゃべる.

[動](〜ged, 〜・ging)(他)
1 〈動物が〉〈尾などを〉振る, ゆする, 振り動かす;〈あいさつなどを〉尾を振ってする;〈人が〉〈指・頭などを〉振る
wag one's finger at a person
wag one's head
The dog wagged its tail.
2 〈舌などを〉しきりに動かして話す.
3 ((〜 itで))((英俗))学校をさぼる.
1 〈頭・尾などが〉しきりに動く, 揺れる.
2 ((略式))〈舌などが〉絶えず[盛んに]動く. ▼特にうわさ話などをする場合.
3 ((英略式))〈人が〉立ち去る;旅行する;よろよろ歩く.
4 ((古風))〈事態が〉進む, 進行する.
5 ((英俗))(学校を)ずる休みする.
1 ((ふつう単数形))(頭・尾などを)振る[ゆする]こと((of ...));一振り
with a wag of ...
2 ((古風))おどけ[いたずら]男;機知に富む人;((英俗))怠け者.
hop the wag
((俗))ずる休みする(play truant).chinwag (CHIN-wag)

Chat, gossip.

verb intr.
To chat or gossip.

Chin + wag.

"While the other stars were busy in their vans with make-up, scripts or waiting for their mobiles to go beep-beep, she (Lara Dutta) would have a heart-to-heart chinwag with them (crew members)." — Madhureeta Mukherjee; Lara Makes 'Masti' Crew Cry!; The Times of India (New Delhi); Feb 25, 2004.

"Jolyon Wagg: I'll send you a policy... No, better still, I 'll bring it myself. That'll give us a chance to have another chinwag together." — Herge; The Calculus Affair; Little Brown & Company; 1997.


━━[名]((a 〜))雑談, おしゃべり.


Line breaks: finger-wagging


The action of reprimanding or warning someone:the government is unable to resist such finger-wagging[AS MODIFIER]: a finger-wagging speech
