2023年8月28日 星期一

donkey, drug/cash/money mule, languish, mahout, jenny, hinny, elephant, laundry, fake call center

蘇先生 書林【談文論譯】洗錢、詐騙機房、水房、車手的英文? 蘇正隆 最近媒體報導破獲詐騙集團「水房」或台灣人受騙到柬埔寨的「詐騙機房」工作之類的新聞。 我想起 2016 ETA研討會上有人問我:幫詐騙集團領錢的「車手」英文怎麼講? 當時我也不知道,我假設了幾個可能,從 scam, gang, vehicle 等關鍵詞去 Google,都沒找到滿意的答案。後來看到 New York Times上關於中南美洲販毒集團的報導,提到毒販逼迫農家男孩擔任他們的運輸毒品 (drug trafficking) 的drug mule。心想,幫犯罪集團提款的車手,也許可稱為 cash mule 吧? Google求證,果然有這種說法。 ◆ 'Cash mule' gang jailed for laundering money for cyber criminals on ITV News, videos, stories and all the latest ... 不久後又聽到BBC廣播,俄國 cyber crime 侵入歐洲多家銀行電腦系統,透過money mule 從 ATM 提錢, 原來除 cash mule 外,money mule 也是車手。 ★ 水房 (詐騙集團管理錢財的單位) laundry, money laundering premise 水房詞彙中的「水」代表「錢」,「水房」即是管理錢財的單位,水房洗錢就是將贓款以各種管道漂白,製造金流上的斷點,造成警方難以查緝金錢去向。 ★ 洗錢 (money laundering) 就是「清洗黑錢」,將不法所得,以各種手段掩飾、隱匿,使其在形式上合法。洗錢這種掩飾黑錢的手法源自美國 1920-1933 年大禁酒時代,是販售、釀造私酒的集團創造出來的。(Money laundering is the movement of ‘dirty money’ that is derived from crime through a series of complex transactions in order to hide its true origin and the owner of the said money. The term is said to have originated during the Prohibition Era (1920 - 1933) in America when organized crime groups set up laundries to cover the earnings from illegal alcohol sales.) ★ 機房 (詐騙集團撥打電話行騙的作業中心) scam call center, fake call center ◆ …how someone outwitted and got a scam call center busted in India. ◆ Chinese Scam Call Center Busted in Phuket. ◆ Fake Call Center Busted: A fake call center involving nine persons accused of cheating citizens of the United States was busted on Wednesday ... (Jerome Su, Revised, Aug 28, 2023)

Free to read: 'Coronavirus has forced us to rethink who we value and how. Some of the workers we have left to languish in low-paid and insecure jobs are the very ones we cannot live without,' Sarah O'Connor writes.

 Labour is one of Pakistan’s biggest exports and Saudi Arabia has for decades offered work to poor Pakistanis Drug traffickers have been known to dupe elderly pilgrims to carry heroin in their luggage  關於這個網站 ECONOMIST.COM Some 3,200 Pakistani convicts languish in Saudi jails, many on drugs charges

They face long prison sentences or execution if they are caught in Saudi Arabia

Some 3,200 Pakistani convicts languish in Saudi jails, many on drugs charges
Beach Scene with Donkeys (or Mules) by Maurice Brazil Prendergast
Barnes Foundation (Philadelphia), Collection Gallery, Room 06, South Wall

Every day they come.
Drug mules from French Guiana in South America, carrying cocaine in their luggage or their stomachs, playing a cat-and-mouse game with customs officials at Paris' Orly airport.
Full story: http://u.afp.com/JKba

An Indian mahout washes his elephant on a roadside in Allahabad, India on June 9th 2015.
印度的馴象洗在 2015 年 6 月 9 日他在路邊在阿拉哈巴德,印度的大象。

驢donkey, 騾mule,
Mules on a Farm
Mules on a Farm
What's the difference between a donkey, a mule and a burro? A donkey is a descendant of the wild ass. It is short, with long, floppy ears. The mule is a hybrid offspring of a male donkey (a jack) and a female horse. Most mules cannot procreate. The offspring of a female donkey (a jenny) and a male horse is called a hinny. "Burro" is simply another name for donkey. Mules are known for their stick-to-it-ive-ness, which is one reason the term is often used for people who are stubborn. The animals are tough, surefooted, and steady workers. On April 27, 1898, in the early days of the Spanish-American War, US naval forces attacked the Cuban village of Matanzas. The only reported casualty of the battle was a mule. In his honor, the date is celebrated as Matanzas Mule Day.
"A mule will labor ten years willingly and patiently for you, for the privilege of kicking you once." William Faulkner

Robert Louis Stevenson's Travels With a Donkey"

mahout,Pronunciation: /məˈhaʊt/

Definition of mahout in English:


(In South and SE Asia) a person who works with and rides an elephant.


Syllabification: (lan·guish)
Pronunciation: /ˈlaNGgwiSH/
Translate languish | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish


[no object]
  • 1(of a person or other living thing) lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble:plants may appear to be languishing simply because they are dormant
  • fail to make progress or be successful:foreign stocks are still languishing
  • archaic pine with love or grief:she still languished after Richard
  • archaic assume or display a sentimentally tender or melancholy expression or tone:when a visitor comes in, she smiles and languishes
  • 2suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation:he has been languishing in jail since 1974


( archaic)


Middle English (in the sense 'become faint, feeble, or ill'): from Old French languiss-, lengthened stem of languir 'languish', from a variant of Latin languere, related to laxus 'loose, lax'


Syllabification: (an·guish)
Pronunciation: /ˈaNGgwiSH/
Translate anguish | into German | into Italian | into Spanish

  • severe mental or physical pain or suffering:she shut her eyes in anguish Philip gave a cry of anguish


[no object]
  • be extremely distressed about something:he anguished over how to reply


Middle English: via Old French from Latin angustia 'tightness', (plural) 'straits, distress', from angustus 'narrow'

1 ロバ.
2 ((米))(1874年以降)民主党(Democratic Party)の象徴. ⇒ELEPHANT 2
3 ばか者, まぬけ, 頑固者.
a donkey engine
a donkey pump
