2024年3月22日 星期五

suave, mutiny, mutineer, field day, Schadenfreude, fall over oneself. House Passes Spending Bill to Avert Shutdown, Prompting G.O.P. Mutiny. The mutiny on the Royal Navy vessel HMS Bounty.

House Passes Spending Bill to Avert Shutdown, Prompting G.O.P. Mutiny

The bipartisan vote split Republicans and prompted a threat to oust Speaker Mike Johnson. It was not clear whether Senate Republicans would allow the spending measure to pass in time to avoid a shutdown.

mutiny on the Royal Navy vessel HMS Bounty occurred in the south Pacific on 28 April 1789. Disaffected crewmen, led by Acting Lieutenant Fletcher Christian, seized control of the ship from their captain Lieutenant William Bligh and set him and 18 loyalists adrift in the ship's open launch. The mutineers variously settled on Tahiti or on Pitcairn Island. Bligh meanwhile completed a voyage of more than 3,500 nautical miles (6,500 km; 4,000 mi) in the launch to reach safety, and began the process of bringing the mutineers to justice.

Fletcher Christian and the mutineers sent Lieutenant William Bligh and 18 others adrift; 1790 painting by Robert Dodd.


《中英對照讀新聞》Schadenfreude at German ’cut-and-paste’ minister 德國對「文抄公」部長幸災樂禍

Germany’s opposition and press had a field day recently after the suave and popular defence minister was accused of ripping off others’ work, even from the US embassy website, for his doctoral thesis.
Spiegel magazine said on its website that zu Guttenberg passed off as his own text, in German, taken from the US embassy’s website about its 1789 constitution, and material from European lawmaker Andreas Schwab.
Zu Guttenberg regularly tops surveys as Germany’s most popular politician. The 39-year-old snappy dresser, whose noble Franconian family can be traced back to the Middle Ages, has even been tipped as a possible future chancellor, having impressed both as economy minister and at defence.
But Zu Guttenberg has also been a popular target for the German press, with papers jumping on a series of minor scandals from an alleged mutiny on a naval training ship in November to his handling of a controversial Afghan airstrike in 2009.
German newspapers were falling over themselves with "Schadenfreude". The Financial Times Deutschland dubbed the aristocrat "Baron Cut-and-Paste" on its front page -- and with a cheeky superscript "1" next to the headline to indicate a footnote.
schadenfreude: 名詞,源於德文,指對他人的不幸感到快樂,幸災樂禍,如A recent study has shown that a certain amount of schadenfreude can be helpful in relieving stress.(最近一項研究顯示,某種程度的幸災樂禍可有助紓解壓力。)

have a field day:片語,指非常高興,有如學童去參加遠足的心情,如The boss was gone and we had a field day today.(老闆不在,我們今天樂得優哉游哉。)也可引申為指終於有機會放手一試,大顯身手,尤指逮到機會批評某人,如The newspapers would have a field day if their affair ever became public knowledge.(假如他們的婚外情被公開,各家報社恐怕就要大開殺戒了。)
fall over oneself:片語,指煞費苦心、不遺餘力地去做某事,如He fell over himself to be as helpful as possible.(他竭盡全力想幫忙。)

Tea declared India's national drink

Sunday, April 22, 2012 » 07:46pm

India is to declare tea as its national drink to celebrate the life of a pioneering tea-planter.

India is to declare tea as its national drink to celebrate the life of a pioneering tea-planter who was hanged by British colonial rulers for taking part in the rebellion of 1857.
Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia on Saturday announced the decision while on a visit to Assam, the tea-producing northeastern state that borders on Bhutan and Bangladesh.
Assam was the home state of Maniram Dewan, who is celebrated for introducing commercial tea production to the region and for his role in a plot to throw the British out of Assam during the 1857 mutiny.
The uprising, which is often called the Sepoy Mutiny, started in Meerut, a city close to New Delhi, and spread across northern India before being brutally crushed by British forces with many Indian soldiers and civilians killed.
'The drink would be accorded national drink status by April 17 next year to coincide with the 212th birth anniversary of first Assamese tea-planter and Sepoy Mutiny leader Maniram Dewan,' Ahluwalia said.
He added that tea should also be celebrated as 'half of the tea industry labour comprises women and is the largest employer in the organised sector'.
The Asian Age reported that awarding tea the status of national drink may stir up trouble among 'naturopaths' who suggest popular Indian beverages such as coconut water, lemon water and yoghurt-based lassi are healthier options.
Tea is generally served in India with milk and plenty of sugar, and often spiced with cardamom.
Coffee, which is grown in the southern states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, is becoming rapidly more popular among young urban Indians.

紀念先烈 印度定茶為國飲
革命家戴萬 身兼種茶先驅
艾魯瓦利說:「印度將於明年4月17日宣布茶飲為印度國飲,以紀念戴萬212歲冥誕。他是第一位種植茶葉的阿薩姆居民,也是土兵叛變(Sepoy Mutiny)的領袖。」他表示,茶葉產業一半的勞動力由婦女組成,也是雇用最多人的組織部門,因此茶飲更應受到頌揚。

 A Million Mutinies
A Tory Star Rises as Threat to Brown
Now that U.K. Prime Minister Brown has beaten back a Labour Party mutiny, he must battle a fresh-faced politician from the party of Margaret Thatcher: David Cameron.

Mutiny on the Bounty
Mutiny on the Bounty
Mutiny on the Bounty: On this date in 1789, most of the crew of the British ship Bounty — led by Fletcher Christian — mutinied, setting the ship's captain William Bligh and 18 loyal sailors adrift in an open launch in the South Pacific. It took 47 days for the boat to travel the 3,618 nautical miles (6,710 km) to Timor in the Dutch East Indies; the crew had no navigational instruments other than a sextant and a pocket watch. Bligh and his crew returned to Britain in March 1790, and reported the mutiny. Three of the mutineers were later tried, convicted and hanged. Bligh went to trial for losing his ship, and was acquitted.
"So you'll face me with a court of inquiry, eh, in England. Well, Mr. Christian, we're a long way from England and what can happen on this ship before we get there may surprise even you."Captain Bligh to Fletcher Christian in the 1935 film, Mutiny on the Bounty

Naipaul expresses serious misgivings about Indian attitudes and the Indian way of life. On the other hand Naipaul notes the economic growth and its associated emancipation of the various peoples of India The title makes an analogy between the emancipation of millions and the Mutiny of 1857. The book is somewhat optimistic about the country and its peoples.


  • Naipaul, India: A Million Mutinies Now

  • 印度:百萬叛變的今天

noun [C or U]
when a group of people, especially soldiers or sailors, refuse to obey orders and/or attempt to take control from people in authority:
Conditions on the ship were often very bad, and crews were on the point of mutiny.
There were rumours of mutiny among the troops.
Soldiers and police killed 250-300 prisoners while crushing mutinies in three jails.

verb [I]
The crew mutinied and murdered the ship's captain.
The troops mutinied against their officers.

noun [C]
someone who takes part in a mutiny

mutinous Show phonetics
The mutinous sailors took control of the ship.


 ━━ n. 反乱, 暴動, 反抗.
━━ vt. 反乱を起す, 反抗する ((away)).
 ━━ n. 暴徒, 反乱者.

Pronunciation: /mjuːtɪˈnɪə/

Definition of mutineer in English:


A person, especially a soldier or sailor, who rebels orrefuses to obey the orders of a person in authority:those who resisted were denounced as mutineers andtreated accordingly

 ━━ a. 暴動[反乱]の; 反抗的.
