2016年5月4日 星期三

spend, squander, spent fuel rods

 spent fuel rods

In Fuel-Cooling Pools, a Danger for the Longer Term

Even as workers race to prevent meltdowns, concerns were growing that nearby pools holding spent fuel rods could pose an even greater nuclear threat.

Spend Saturday with Boris Godunov

原譯 :唯一真正的快樂, 是來自我們對於一項目標毫不吝惜的奉獻。

約翰.梅森.布朗 (John Mason Brown 1900-69)曾說:「我們真正的幸福來自對於目的不懈奉獻。」(The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.)

squander (verb) Spend thoughtlessly; throw away.
Synonyms:waste, blow
Usage:Each man swore that for once he would be sensible and not squander his money.


1Waste (something, especially money or time) in a reckless and foolish manner:£100m of taxpayers' money has been squandered on administering the tax
1.1Allow (an opportunity) to pass or be lost:the team squandered several good scoring chances


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[skwɑ'ndər | skwɔ'n-]
1 〈時間・金銭などを〉(…に)浪費[乱費]する((on ...))
squander one's opportunity
2 …をまき散らす, 追い散らす, 分散させる.
(skwŏn'dər) pronunciation
tr.v., -dered, -der·ing, -ders.
  1. To spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate. See synonyms at waste.
  2. To fail to take advantage of; lose a chance for: squandered an opportunity to go to college.
  3. Obsolete. To scatter.
Extravagant expenditure; prodigality.

[Origin unknown.]
squanderer squan'der·er n.
squanderingly squan'der·ing·ly adv.

(spĕnd) pronunciation

v., spent (spĕnt), spend·ing, spends. v.tr.
  1. To use up or put out; expend: spent an hour exercising.
  2. To pay out (money).
  3. To wear out; exhaust: The storm finally spent itself.
  4. To pass (time) in a specified manner or place: spent their vacation in Paris.
    1. To throw away; squander: spent all their resources on futile projects.
    2. To give up (one's time or efforts, for example) to a cause; sacrifice.
  1. To pay out or expend money.
  2. To be exhausted or consumed.
[Middle English spenden, partly from Old English -spendan (from Latin expendēre, to expend; see expend) and partly from Old French despendre, to weigh out; see dispense.]
spendable spend'a·ble adj.
spender spend'er n.
SYNONYMS spend, disburse, expend. These verbs mean to pay or give out money or an equivalent: spent eight dollars for a movie ticket; disbursed funds from the account; expended all her energy teaching the class.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[spént]
1 〈物が〉浪費された, 使い尽くした;((文))〈人が〉疲れはてた;((俗))麻薬で廃人になった
a spent runner
2 〈魚・昆虫が〉産卵した.
3 射精した.
