2019年11月1日 星期五

Morpheus, sleepless, sleep-short

In the bio-internet of things, bacteria could be reprogrammed to sense for toxins and pollutants, gather data, and treat diseases. Or they could be used for darker possibilities that give biosecurity experts sleepless nights.

Morpheus (MOR-fee-uhs, -fyoos)
, noun
1. A son of Hypnos and the god of dreams.
2. In the arms of Morpheus: asleep.

Middle English from Latin from Greek morphe + Latin -eus; coined by Ovid, with allusion to the forms seen in dreams.

"Let for the people be the first to admit a certain familiarity with sleepless nights and an envy of those who claim to fall into the arms of Morpheus the moment their head touches a pillow. But sleepless or sleep-short nights are one thing; sleepless decades are something else entirely. Decades? Yes. Nguyen Thi Tu, an elderly Vietnamese lady who lives in the southern province of Ca Mau, claims that she hasn't slept a single wink since 1967." — Stephen Goode, A woman who never dreams or sleeps a wink, Insight on the News, Nov 22, 1999.
