2024年3月24日 星期日

rotten, putrefaction, worth, on board. because they are so fearful of bad press and donor backlash.

“These complaints are having the impact that they were designed to achieve,” said Radhika Sainath, a lawyer with Palestine Legal, a civil rights group. “Not to win on the merit, but to force universities to investigate, condemn and suppress speech supporting Palestinian rights, because they are so fearful of bad press and donor backlash.”

Mr. Marcus said the complaints stand on their own merit, but he nodded to their larger impact.

Global payouts to shareholders are expected to tumble from $2.2trn in 2019 to $1.4trn this year

Companies are slashing payouts to shareholders
Shareholders the world over have had a rotten 2020

Years of industrial pollution are now taking a big toll on cities in China. So it's come on board in the fight against the causes of climate change. The US agrees too.

China and the US are both now in favour of taking action against climate change.

The San Francisco district that became a refuge for a century's worth of immigrants, as well as gay men in the 1950s and transgender women in the 1960s http://econ.st/1Eajgws

送給 Peter 紀念10年前的讀書會"全勤":像本傑明佛蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin)這樣的人並沒有被視為半吊子,儘管他曾當過作家、發明家、印刷工和政治家,還做過其他無數工作。但最重要的是,佛蘭克林相信一點:人應 在世上雁過留聲,不應虛度光陰。我的牆上貼著一幅英國皇家藝術學會(Royal Society of Arts)的海報(佛蘭克林曾是該學會會員),海報上引述了佛蘭克林的一句名言:如果你不願在辭世化作糞土後就立刻被人遺忘,那要麼就寫點值得一讀的文 字,要麼就做點值得記載的事情。
I have a poster on my wall from the RSA, where he was a fellow, with a marvellous quote from him: “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.”

Rotten Rejections把許多令出版商汗顏的信刊登了出來

Nowhere to hide

Investors have had a dreadful time in the recent past. The immediate future looks pretty rotten, too

on board

1. Aboard.
2. Ready to participate or be included; amenable: The entire class was on board for the excursion to the park.


  • 発音記号[pjùːtrəfǽkʃən]
1 [U]腐敗.
2 腐敗物.

Line breaks: rot¦ten
Pronunciation: /ˈrɒt(ə)n/

adjective (rottener, rottenest)

  • suffering from decay: rotten eggs the supporting beams were rotten

  • 1.1 morally, socially, or politically corrupt: he believed that the whole art business was rotten

  • 2 informal very bad: she was a rotten cook

    • Americans may remember auto manufacturer, which vanished from the U.S. market in 1987, for poor quality and rotten reliability.
    • If you only knew how many lousy meals and rotten movies he has dragged Diana to throughout the years.
    • In general, funds with poor long-term past performance tend to have rotten future performance.
  • 2.1 extremely unpleasant: it’s rotten for you having to cope on your own

  • 2.2 unwell: she tried to tell me she felt rotten


  • to an extreme degree; very much: your mother said that I spoiled you rotten we used to send him up something rotten




Pronunciation: /ˈrɒt(ə)nnɪs/
Middle English: from Old Norse rotinn.


adj., -er, -est.
  1. Being in a state of putrefaction or decay; decomposed.
  2. Having a foul odor resulting from or suggestive of decay; putrid.
  3. Made weak or unsound by rot: rotten floorboards.
  4. Morally corrupt or despicable: She's rotten to the core.
  5. Very bad; wretched: rotten weather.
To a very great degree: The child is spoiled rotten.

[Middle English roten, from Old Norse rotinn.]
rottenly rot'ten·ly adv.
rottenness rot'ten·ness n.

1 腐った, 腐朽した;きたない;悪臭を放つ
a rotten egg
rotten air
2 ((略式))(道徳的・政治的に)腐敗[堕落]した
rotten politicians
be rotten to the core
3 ((略式))不快な, いやな;だめな;くだらない, つまらない;みじめな;((叙述))気分のすぐれない;気が重い
a rotten movie
4 ((略式))((強意))ひどい, いまいましい
Get your rotten hand off me.
5 〈土地・岩石などが〉砕けやすい, もろい;〈布などが〉ぼろぼろ.
━━[副]((略式))どうしようもなく, ひどく
spoil a person rotten
fancy a person rotten
[副]腐って;いやに, くだらなく;ぼろぼろに.

either write things worth reading or do things worth writing

  1. 1.
    equivalent in value to the sum or item specified.
    "jewellery worth £450 was taken"
  2. 2.
    sufficiently good, important, or interesting to be treated or regarded in the way specified.
    "the museums in the district are well worth a visit"
  1. 1.
    the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated.
    "they had to listen to every piece of gossip and judge its worth"

  2. 2.
    the amount that could be achieved or produced in a specified time.
    "the companies have debts greater than two years' worth of their sales"
