2019年9月21日 星期六

imbue, ferried, ultimatum, Betadine, canteen, quintillion

When the Bauhaus closed due to decreased enrollment and increased pressure from the Nazi regime, Albers and Ehrman ferried these methods to the United States, where they posted up as instructors at progressive art schools. Albers landed at Black Mountain College in Asheville, North Carolina, while Ehrman found a post at 
Lázló Moholy-Nagy’s New Bauhaus (later known as the Institute of Design) in Chicago. (Stölzl established a practice in Switzerland.)

The Borowitz Report: The Koch brothers ultimatum came just minutes after the Wisconsin governor Scott Walker dropped out of the Republican Presidential race.

The billionaire Koch brothers demanded that Walker return the nine...

The raft of knowledge ferries the worst sinner to safety.

 Mr. Silver reminds us that we live in an era of "Big Data," with "2.5 quintillion bytes" generated each day. But he strongly disagrees with the view that the sheer volume of data will make predicting easier. "Numbers don't speak for themselves," he notes. In fact, we imbue numbers with meaning, depending on our approach. We often find patterns that are simply random noise, and many of our predictions fail: "Unless we become aware of the biases we introduce, the returns to additional information may be minimal—or diminishing." The trick is to extract the correct signal from the noisy data. "The signal is the truth," Mr. Silver writes. "The noise is the distraction."

 The storefront and large space next door to the club served as the "CBGB Record Canteen" (record shop and cafe) for many years. Eventually, in the late eighties, the record store was closed and replaced with a second performance space and art gallery, named "CB's 313 Gallery".

Egypt’s revolution is a contest of ultimatums — chaos and revolution, freedom and submission — but its arena of Tahrir Square becomes quieter at night, the cacophony of rebellion giving way to a stage of poetry, performance and politics.
Be it the canteen that prepares cheese sandwiches, the volunteers who ferry tea to guards at the barricades, the pharmacies that are overstocked with Betadine or the artists who bring their aesthetic to the asphalt, their Cairo begins as the city sleeps. The weary collapse in exhaustion, but no one else seems willing to surrender a moment that feels imbued with the idealism of defiance.


  • 発音記号[imbjúː]

1 ((通例受身))〈人に〉(感情・思想などを)しみ込ませる, 吹き込む((with ...))
be imbued with a sense of purpose
2 〈物に〉(水分などを)しみ込ませる, 満たす;〈物を〉(色で)染める((with ...))
imbue the skin with moisture
3 …をよごす.

(ŭl'tə-mā'təm, -mä'-) pronunciation
n., pl., -tums, or -ta (-tə).
  1. A final statement of terms made by one party to another.
  2. A statement, especially in diplomatic negotiations, that expresses or implies the threat of serious penalties if the terms are not accepted.
[New Latin, from neuter of Latin ultimātus, last. See ultimate.]

[名]1 社員食堂, 学生食堂;(野外などの)簡易[仮設, 移動式]食堂.2 (軍人・ハイカーなどの)水筒.3 ((英))(キャンプ用の)ナイフ・フォーク・スプーンのセット(のはいった箱).4 ...
canteen culture


(fĕr'ē) pronunciation

v., -ried, -ry·ing, -ries. v.tr.
  1. Nautical.
    1. To transport (people, vehicles, or goods) by boat across a body of water.
    2. To cross (a body of water) by a ferry.
    1. To deliver (a vehicle, especially an aircraft) under its own power to its eventual user.
    2. To transport (people or goods) by vehicle, especially by aircraft.
To cross a body of water on or as if on a ferry.

Transport from one place to another on short or regular trips:ambulances ferried the injured to hospital

n., pl., -ries.
  1. Nautical.
    1. A ferryboat.
    2. A place where passengers or goods are transported across a body of water, such as a river or bay, by a ferryboat.
  2. A franchise or legal right to operate a ferrying service for a fee.
  3. A service and route for delivering an aircraft under its own power to its eventual user.
[Middle English ferien, from Old English ferian.]
请列出(医院用的)Betadine:特性,浓度,颜色,气味(浓冽?). ... 【详细信息】:【
品名】:碘伏消毒液 【适应范围】:用于皮肤、粘膜的消毒;创口的清洗和 ...


  • 発音記号[kwintíljən]
[名](複 〜s, ((数詞のあとで))〜)[形]クィンティリオン(の):((米・仏))1,000の6乗(1018);((英・独))1,000の10乗(1030).
