2020年2月5日 星期三

bug out, call out, call sign, originate, left wing, call letters,

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

Live figures from the rapidly spreading outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China and has killed more than 425 people worldwide.

U.S. Demands That China End Hacking and Set Cyber Rules

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration made its first direct response to a raft of attacks on American computer networks, many of which appear to have originated with the Chinese military.

bug out

1. Bulge, as in The news will make her eyes bug out with astonishment. This expression was originally used literally for bulging eyes and later used more loosely as a sign of astonishment. [Colloquial; mid-1800s]
2. Leave, run out, as in This conference is a bore; I think I'll bug out. This usage originated as military slang for deserting and today is used more loosely. [Slang; c. 1950]

"Google拉在地廣告 靠call out大隊" 這標題可能錯誤

call out/call-out
1. Summon into action or service, as in The governor called out the militia. [Mid-1400s]
2. Challenge to a fight, as in To avenge the insult, Arthur called him out. This term originated with dueling and is dying out. [Early 1800s]

call out
[call ... out/call out ...]
(1) …を(大声で)呼ぶ, 叫ぶ, 読み上げる.
(2) 〈軍隊などを〉召集する, 出動させる.
(3) 〈隠れた能力などを〉引き出す.
(4) 〈労働者に〉ストライキを指令する.
(5) ((英略式))〈人に〉けんかをいどむ.
call out for ...

left wing

The liberal or radical faction of a political group, as in Many consider him a leader of the Democratic Party's left wing. This expression originated in the seating practice of European legislatures, whereby those holding liberal views were assigned to the left side of the house. [First half of 1800s]


o • rig • i • nate
originated (過去形) • originated (過去分詞) • originating (現在分詞) • originates (三人称単数現在)
1 (…から)起こる, 生じる((from ...));(…に)源を発する((in ...))
The gas leak originated in the basement.
2 〈物・事が〉(人から)始まる, 由来する;(人に)考案される((with, from ...))
The theory of relativity originated with Einstein.
3 〈乗り物が〉(…から)始発する((at ...)).
━━(他)…を始める, 起こす, …を発明[考案]する, 創造[創設]する.
Definition of call sign


a message, code, or tune that is broadcast by radio to identify the broadcaster or transmitter: the brief jingle of the station’s call sign sounded

Definition of call letters


North American
a sequence of letters used by a television or radio station as an identifying code.

call letters

((米))(放送局・無線局の)コールサイン, 呼び出し符号(((英))call sign).
