2020年1月5日 星期日

【#逐字學英文國際日報】79:instinct, sphincter, morality, windpipe, fits of sneezing, feces,

Animal instinct – George Stubbs at MK Gallery, reviewed: https://www.apollo-magazine.com/george-stubbs-mk-gallery-r…/

The treatment may sound appalling, but it works.
Transplanting feces from a healthy person into the gut of one who is sick can quickly cure severe intestinal infections caused by a dangerous type of bacteria that antibiotics often cannot control.

The sexual instinct during pregenital phases is auto-erotic and is linked to particular zones (the oral cavity, anus), the location of this erotic pleasure depending on the degree of maturity (sucking in infancy, the pleasure of stool retention and expulsion when acquiring sphincter control). Freud made direct observations, which he then described, such as the pleasure of the baby feeding at its mother's breast or the adolescent masturbating. In these pregenital stages the sexual instinct consists of component instincts such as the sadistic instinct, the instinct for knowledge, the instinct for mastery, these nonerotic components being directed toward the object. (These component instincts often appear as pairs of opposites, for example, the instinct to see and be seen.) The great variety and diversity of these component instincts led Freud to declare that children were polymorphously perverse, each of these instincts being capable of continuing later in life in certain adult perversions (voyeurism and sadism, for instance). But this predisposition could also "be regarded as the source of a number of our virtues, in so far as through reaction-formation it stimulates their development" (Freud, 1905d, p. 239).

The Turner prize show: voices, videos and erotic tickling sticks
Has the Turner prize lost its power to shock? No – thanks to James Richards’s sphincter* shots. But it’s Tris Vonna-Michell’s spellbinding spoken-word travelogues that deserve to win

 instinct とは【意味】本能,直観... 【例文】animal instincts...



Line breaks: sphinc|ter
Pronunciation: /ˈsfɪŋktə /


A ring of muscle surrounding and serving to guard orclose an opening or tube, such as the anus or theopenings of the stomach:the anal sphincter


late 16th century: via Latin from Greek sphinktēr, fromsphingein 'bind tight'.
A sphincter is a structure, or a circular muscle, that normally maintains constriction of a natural body passage or orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. There are over 50 different sphincters in the human body; some of these sphincters are microscopic in size, in particular the precapillary sphincters.[1]
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Sphincters prove effective in the mediation of the entrance or release of liquids and fluids; this is evident, for example, in the blowholes of numerous marine mammals.
Many sphincters are used everyday in the normal course of digestion. For example, the epiglottis is used to seal off the windpipe when swallowing, so as to ensure that no food or liquid enters the lungs. The function of the epiglottis is a typical example of an involuntary action by the body.


Sphincters can be further classified into functional and anatomical sphincters:
  • Anatomical sphincters have a localised and often circular muscle thickening to facilitate their action as a sphincter.
  • Functional sphincters do not have this localised muscle thickening and achieve their sphincteric action indirectly through muscle contraction around (extrinsic) or within (intrinsic) the structure.
Sphincters can also be voluntarily or involuntarily controlled:

Examples of sphincters

windpipe (noun) Membranous tube with cartilaginous rings that conveys inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi.[名]気管(trachea).
Usage:Poisonous vapors … crept like evil spirits over the ship, stealing into the nostrils and windpipes of the unwary and causing fits of sneezing and coughing.
