2011年1月12日 星期三

conte philosophique

兩次讀到 conte philosophique


2005/10/10 讀 I. Calvino 【伊塔羅.卡爾維諾( Italo Calvino)著《為什麼讀經典》 ( Why Read the Classics? 1991 ),參考(李桂蜜譯,台北:時報出版, 2005)。】
談 Cyrano on the Moon(其漢譯『西哈諾在月球』)。
This is the beginning of conte philosophique…..

就去信問瑞麟兄。「請有空代查、 解釋 conte philosophique 有人翻譯為「哲學寓言」。
RL:「conte翻譯成寓言或許是比較偏了些,一般是指短篇小說。可是,有些字典也把conte解釋作伯爵,好像是義大利文的關係。」(hc 案:參考http://www.answers.com/conte 最後之欄。)

conte, the French word for a tale, applied since the 19th century to short stories, but previously used to denote a more fanciful kind of short prose fiction, usually both witty and morally instructive. Voltaire's Zadig (1747) and Candide (1759 老實人) belong to this category, along with some works by Perrault, La Fontaine, and others.
