2019年12月10日 星期二

endurance, an endurance swimmer, rootless, hobo, adored or execrated, high-intensity interval

Humans shouldn’t swim in sub-zero waters. After a few seconds the body shuts down and death is almost certain. But this man does it for fun. From 1843

What it feels like to dive into freezing water
Secrets of an endurance swimmer

Are you ready to fly London to Australia non-stop? Buckle up for a 19-hour flight
'The limit is no longer the endurance of the engines, it is the endurance of the passengers'

Japan’s Rootless and Restless Workers

Rootless for the Holidays 
We have both the means and the precedent to rethink the Rockefeller Center Christmas celebration so that it includes a live tree that could live on for years after the celebration ends.

Video: The 20-Minute Workout

Gretchen Reynolds, the Phys Ed columnist, on the science of high-intensity interval training, or H.I.T., which scientists are finding can be as effective as longer endurance training.
MORMON CHURCH EXECRATED.; Rev. C.L. Thompson of This City Speaking ...

Charles L. Thompson of New York delivered a long and forceful argument for the work of home missions, in which he took occasion to execrate the Mormon ...

rootless (adjective) Wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community.
Usage:Away the rootless hobos shuffled, bindles over their shoulders, their only destination the shifting horizon.


ho • bo
hoboed (過去形) • hoboed (過去分詞) • hoboing (現在分詞)
[名](複 〜s, 〜es)((米))
1 放浪者, ルンペン.
2 渡り労働者.
execrate (EK-si-krayt)

verb tr.: To detest, denounce, or curse.

From Latin execrari (to curse), from ex- + sacrare (to consecrate). Ultimately from the Indo-European root sak- (to sanctify), which is also the source of other words such as saint, consecrate, sacred, execrable, and sacrilegious. Earliest documented use: 1561.

"[Edward Said was] adored or execrated with equal intensity by many millions of readers." — The Rootless Cosmopolitan; The Nation (New York); Jul 19, 2004.
