2023年2月1日 星期三

assess, evaluate, add up, at Pivotal Moment, tradition of weekly progress reports. the biggest penalties it has ever assessed.

Donations Steered to Trump Super PAC by Canadian Are Found to Be Illegal

Donations Steered to Trump Super PAC by Canadian Are Found to Be Illegal

By Eric Lipton

The Federal Election Commission fined a Canadian steel billionaire, Barry Zekelman, $975,000 in the case, one of the biggest penalties it has ever assessed.

"On my last day in my Ph.D. lab, I did something I never could have foreseen during the first 6 months: I thanked my professors for the lab tradition of weekly progress reports. It helped me collect the small stones I ultimately used to construct the stairs to my Ph.D."

My Ph.D. advisers expected weekly progress reports. I’m glad they did
The reports helped this researcher build the chapters of her dissertation

Berkshire Hathaway earned a net income of $81.4bn in 2019—making it the second most profitable company in the worldUntangling Warren Buffett's unique firm

Assessing the true success of Warren Buffett's firm is a complicated business
Untangling Warren Buffett's unique firm Untangling Warren Buffett's unique firm

“All these pieces add up to a nice picture but whether it is enough to overcome their radioactivity, that will be hard to tell,” Mr Lewis says.“这一切加起来看上去不错,但是否足以消除他们的辐射,还很难讲,”刘易斯表示。

BOULDER, CO – While a recent report asserts that U.S. students are far behind students in most other developed countries in mathematics achievement, a review of the study released today finds that it makes deceptive comparisons and exaggerates small differences, rendering the study useless in helping educators improve U.S. students’ math performance. U.S. Math Performance in Global Perspective: How Well Does Each State Do at Producing High-Achieving Students? was reviewed for the Think Twice think tank review project by Jeremy Kilpatrick, Regents Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Georgia. Professor Kilpatrick has extensive background and expertise in national an

(ĭ-văl'yū-āt') pronunciation
tr.v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates.
  1. To ascertain or fix the value or worth of.
  2. To examine and judge carefully; appraise. See synonyms at estimate.
  3. Mathematics. To calculate the numerical value of; express numerically.
[Back-formation from evaluation, from French évaluation, from Old French, from evaluer, to evaluate : e-, out (from Latin ē-, ex-; see ex-) + value, value; see value.]
evaluation e·val'u·a'tion n.
evaluative e·val'u·a·tive adj.
evaluator e·val'u·a·tor n.

(ə-sĕs') pronunciation
tr.v., -sessed, -sess·ing, -sess·es.
  1. To estimate the value of (property) for taxation.
  2. To set or determine the amount of (a payment, such as a tax or fine).
  3. To charge (a person or property) with a special payment, such as a tax or fine.
  4. Sports. To charge a player, coach, or team with (a foul or penalty).
  5. To determine the value, significance, or extent of; appraise. See synonyms at estimate.
[Middle English assessen, from Old French assesser, from Latin assidēre, assess-, to sit by as an assistant judge : ad-, ad- + sedēre, to sit.]
assessable as·sess'a·ble adj.

add up

1. Amount to an expected or correct total, as in These figures don't add up, meaning they are not correct. [Mid-1800s]
2. Be consistent, make sense, as in I'm not sure that all this testimony will add up. [First half of 1900s]
3. Assess, form an opinion of, as in He looked across the track and added up the competition. Also see add up to.
    (1) ⇒(自)
    (2) 計算が合う
    The final totals didn't add up.
    (3) ((略式))〈事実・証拠・行動などが〉意味をなす, つじつまが合う, 筋がとおる
    There were points in her testimony that didn't add up.
