2015年8月28日 星期五

surfeit, luscious, wigwam, variant, variation, cloy, surplus, minor object

Can there be too many cellists?

The modern open office was designed for team building and camaraderie but is mostly distinguished by its high noise levels, lack of privacy and surfeit of both digital and human distractions.

《中英對照讀新聞》Higher birthweight linked to grandmother gene 出生體重較重與祖母基因相關

Scientists say a gene variation could contribute up to 155g to a child’s birthweight.

The gene studied is believed to act as a growth suppressor, reducing birthweight. But the UK-based researchers found a particular variant passed down from the mother can add 93g to the birthweight, or 155g if passed down from the maternal grandmother.

Professor Gudrun Moore of University College London and colleagues looked at a gene called PHLDA2 in nearly 9,500 DNA samples taken from mothers and their babies, collected in three separate studies.

They found a gene variant called RS1 appeared to change the way in which the gene functioned, leading to higher birthweights. "The gene is already known to have a profound effect on birthweight by acting as a growth suppressor," Prof Moore said.

The RS1 variation was found in around 13% of the individuals studied, with 87% possessing the RS2 variation. "We suggest that the more common RS2 gene variation, which is only found in humans, has evolved to produce a smaller baby as a protective effect to enhance the mother’s survival during childbirth," said Prof Moore.

variant:名詞,變異,變數,變化版。例句:There are many colas on the market now, all variants on the original drink.(現在市面上有很多種可樂,都是從原始的可樂變化而來。)
pass down:片語,流傳,傳承。例句:His is a family trade, passed down from generation to generation.(他的是家傳事業,代代相傳。)
maternal:形容詞,母系的,母性的。例句:She is very maternal towards her staff.(她對員工非常有母性。)

The complete set of all 5 Great Escapes titles of the TASCHEN 25 edition

The Great Escapes series catalogs the most extraordinary and tempting hotels around the world. Each volume is both a luscious picture-book of interiors and a guide to some of the most spectacular getaways to be found on the planet. Ranging from funky and inexpensive to luxuriously elegant and wildly pricy, these hotels, inns, guesthouses, bungalows, ranches, lodges, resorts and even—yes—wigwams and treehouses will surely seduce you.
All five titles from the series are included in this special edition set: North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa.

張曼儀老師說:「『小東西』,原文是『minor object』,也就是平常的物品,以至身邊瑣事,藉著聯想的作用,它們能夠叫讀者產生親切感。

One could crawl on and on. There’s Old Bookbinders down in the canalside neighborhood of Jericho, a stone’s throw from Castle Mill boatyard (threatened with imminent development), which inspired Philip Pullman to create the Gyptians boat people in “The Golden Compass.” At Bookbinders, the ales are kept in barrels behind the bar, and you can reach into a tub for free handfuls of ground nuts. There’s the Gardeners of Plantation Road, with its armchairs and two wood rooms, and the best vegetarian food in town. Not to mention the Trout on the river, the Grapes in the center, the White Horse, and the little Half Moon by Magdalen Bridge. Oxford: what a surfeit of good will in its honey-gold stone and nut-brown glasses.

A Pub Crawl Through the Centuries
surfeit Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular] FORMAL
an amount which is too large, or is more than is needed:
The country has a surfeit of cheap labour.


  • 発音記号[sə'ːrfit]

[名][U][C]((通例a 〜))((形式))
1 過度[過多](の…);〈量・額などが〉過剰(の…)(⇔lack)((of ...));(一般に)うんざりすること, 飽満
a surfeit of advice
2 食べ[飲み]すぎ(による不快な満腹感).
━━[動](他)…を(…で)食傷させる;…をうんざりさせる((with ...)).
━━(自)(…を)食い[飲み]すぎる((of, on, upon ...));(…に)うんざりする, 食傷する((with ...)).


━━ n., v. 過多; 食い[飲み]すぎ(させる,する) ((of, on, with)); 食傷[あきあき](させる,する) ((with)).


Sweet and pleasant to taste or smell: a luscious melon. See synonyms at delicious.
Having strong sensual or sexual appeal; seductive.
Richly appealing to the senses or the mind: a luscious, vivid description.

Archaic. Excessively sweet; cloying.

1 いい味[香り]のする, おいしい;甘美な.
2 (感覚・心に)気持ちよい, うっとりさせる;〈言葉・文体などが〉飾りたてた, 豪華な, 魅力的な.

3 ((略式))情欲をそそる, 官能的な. ▼主に男性語.

4 ((古))甘ったるい.

[Middle English lucius, alteration of licious, perhaps short for delicious, delicious. See delicious.]

lusciously lus'cious·ly adv.

lusciousness lus'cious·ness n.

(wĭg'wŏm') pronunciation
n.n. - 帳蓬, 小屋
A Native American dwelling commonly having an arched or conical framework overlaid with bark, hides, or mats.

[Eastern Abenaki wìkəwαm.]
WORD HISTORY   English has adopted two words for Native American dwellings from languages in the Algonquian family. Both wigwam and wickiup come from the Algonquian root wik- (with a variant wig-), "to dwell," to which suffixes are added. Wigwam comes from Abenaki wigwam (spelled various ways) and means "their dwelling"; wickiup comes from Fox dialect wikiyap or wikiyapi, "a dwelling, wigwam."
  • 発音記号[wígwɑm | -wæm]


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[véəriənt]
1 (同種のものや標準とは)異なる, 別の, 相違する;一般には認められていない
a variant pronunciation
a variant reading
2 種々の, さまざまな;((まれ))変化しやすい.
1 (他とは若干)異なる人[物], 異形, 別形, 変体.
2 (同一語の)異なるつづり[発音, 形態]
Draughtis a variant ofdraft”.
3 (写本の)異文;(原作の)改訂版, 変形.
4 《音声学》異音(allophone).
5 《統計学》変量.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[vèəriéiʃən]
1 [U][C]変化, 変動
variation of weather
long for a variation in one's routine
2 [U][C]変化量, 変化率, 変化の程度
There was a temperature variation of 10° between last week and this week.
3 (物の)異体, 異形, 変体, 変形(体)
a variation of football
4 《音楽》[U]変奏;[C]変奏曲.
5 《バレエ》バリアシオン:ソロの踊り.
6 [U][C]《天文》変差;(月の)二均差.
7 [U][C]《海事》偏差:真子午線と磁気子午線のなす水平角. ⇒DEVIATION 2
8 《生物》[U]変異(⇒MUTATION 2);[C]変異個体.
9 [U][C]《数学》変動, 変分, 順列, 振幅.

 (kloi) pronunciation

v., cloyed, cloy·ing, cloys.
To cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or sweet; surfeit.

To be too filling, rich, or sweet.

[Short for obsolete accloy, to clog, from Middle English acloien, from Old French encloer, to drive a nail into, from Medieval Latin inclāvāre : Latin in-, in; see in-2 + Latin clāvāre, to nail (from clāvus, nail).]
cloyingly cloy'ing·ly adv.
cloyingness cloy'ing·ness n.


  • 発音記号[klɔ'i]
[動](他)((文))〈人を〉(甘さ・ぜいたくなどで)うんざりさせる, 飽き飽きさせる((with ...)).
━━(自)〈甘さなどが〉人をうんざりさせる, 鼻につく;〈人が〉飽き飽き[うんざり]する.
[形](いきすぎで)鼻についてくる, うんざりさせる.

In Hong Kong, a Budget With a Surfeit of Surpluses

sur • plus
sə'ːrplʌs | -pləs
surpluses (複数形)
1 残り, 余り(⇔deficiency).
2 余分の量[額]
in surplus
be surplus to requirements
3 ((米))(特に政府買上げの)余剰農産物;《会計》剰余金;余剰額;黒字(⇔deficit)
run up trade surpluses
surplus wheat
a surplus (goods) store
