2019年4月29日 星期一

infidelity, savvy, fidelity, integrity, immutable

Keeping Money Secrets From Each Other: Financial Infidelity On The Rise

As many as 41% of American adults deceive their partners by hiding secret debts or accounts. Therapists say it's increasingly common, and it's both the loss of trust and resources that hurt.
Gingrich Takes Fidelity Pledge
New GOP frontrunner decides to sign Iowa conservative group's anti-gay marriage, pro-traditional marriage pledge.

What we need in education is more integrity (and less fidelity) of implementation

For many years, educational researchers have worked with program designers and implementers in pursuit of what has been called fidelity of implementation. Simply put, this has involved the application of numerous tools and procedures designed to ensure that implementers replicate programs exactly as they were designed and intended.
There is a simple and immutable logic to this urge to strictly control implementation. It is compelled by the methodologies (and their attendant mindset) that warrant programs as effective. The manner in which we validate “what works” in education involves research methodologies that privilege explanatory power as their primary purpose. To arrive at valid explanations, the methodologies necessarily abstract problems and programmatic solutions from their contexts.

Elizabeth Edwards Dies of Cancer at 61

Mrs. Edwards, a savvy adviser and the wife of ex-Senator John Edwards, shared his quest for the White House as she struggled with cancer, and secretly, his infidelity.

Oath of Allegiance (United States) -
My fidelity and allegiance from this day forward is to the United States of America.
I pledge to support, honor, and be loyal to the United States, its Constitution, ...


  • 発音記号[imjúːtəbl]
[形]((形式))変わらない, 変えられない, 不変の, 不易の
immutable laws


(ĭn'fĭ-dĕl'ĭ-tē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ties.
    1. Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, especially a spouse.
    2. An act of sexual unfaithfulness.
  1. Lack of fidelity or loyalty.
  2. Lack of religious belief.


  • 発音記号[fidéləti]
[名](複 -ties)[U][C]
1 (約束・義務などの)厳守
a retainer's fidelity
2 (…への)忠誠, 忠義, 忠節;(配偶者に対する)貞節((to ...)). ⇒LOYALTY
3 (模写・報告されたものが)事実に即していること;正確, 厳密.
4 [U](翻訳などの)正確さ;《オーディオ・ビデオ》忠実度.
