2022年7月15日 星期五

a restless worrybones, worrywart, have a bone to pick, Bone Cold Winter

Alexis de Tocqueville once observed that Americans are "restless in the midst of abundance." Not so with party allegiance


Switching parties in Trump’s America
As partisanship deepens, those who change their minds become more precious

Piper, a Border Collie, has a bone to pick with anything or anyone trying to disrupt flights at a Northern Michigan airport:http://usat.ly/1T9OYpI

The face blindness essay is engaging, informative and tonally consistent with the rest of the book. But the pace accelerates and the mood shifts in the penultimate chapter when Sacks is diagnosed with eye cancer. "Let's look at the worst-case scenario," says his ophthalmologist, but Oliver isn't listening: "a voice had started up in my head, shouting, 'CANCER, CANCER, CANCER...'" So, no more the dispassionate clinician looking in, anthropologically, on someone else's disease, hope invariably trumping despair. We now get to see him from the inside, and he turns out to be a restless worrybones, knocking himself out with sleeping pills to snuff out the spectres of mortality. His journal takes us, compellingly, through diagnosis and treatment to an almost total loss of vision in his right eye, the effects of which are meticulously documented. People "disappear into thin air" as they enter the void of his right visual field, and it's no longer a metaphor, he says, but "as close as I can come to describing the experience of nothingness and nowhere". The cancer seems not only to have stirred fears of death but also, perhaps, given him a glimpse of it.

  1. unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom.
    "the audience grew restless and inattentive"

Meaning #1: thinks about unfortunate things that might happen
Synonyms: worrier, fuss-budget, fusspot[名]((米略式))小事にくよくよする人. (またwórry-gùts)

[動](-ried, 〜・ing)(自)
1I([副])](…のことで)心配する, 気に病む, 悩む((about, over ...))
worry over one's health
have enough to worry about
I worried (about) whether you could come or not.
Don't worry about it.
2 〈車などが〉やっとのことで進む.
1III[名]([副])]…を(…で)心配させる, 苦しめる, 気をもませる((with ...));((〜 -selfまたは受身))(…のことで)くよくよする((about, over ..., that節));[V[名][形]]〈人を〉悩まして(…の状態に)する
worry oneself to death over every trifle
My daughter worries me sick.
They worried him with questions.

中文(繁體)(Chinese (Traditional))
n. - 骨頭, 骨製品, 骨
v. tr. - 剔去...的骨, 施骨肥於, 用鯨骨撐
v. intr. - 苦學, 考前臨時抱佛腳
  • bone china 骨灰瓷
  • bone lazy 懶骨頭
  • bone meal 骨粉
  • bone of contention 爭論的原因
  • bone up on 熟習
  • have a bone to pick 同某人有爭論

    Have a bone to pick with - Idioms by The Free Dictionary


    something that you say when you want to talk to someone about something they have done that has annoyed you I have a bone to pick with you. Did you eat that ...

  • make no bones about 對...毫不猶豫

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 骨, 骨格, 死骸, 身体, 骨状のもの
v. - 骨を取る
  • bone china ボーンチャイナ
  • bone lazy 怠け者の
  • bone meal 骨粉
  • bone of contention 争いの種
  • bone up on 詰め込む
  • have a bone to pick 話を付けることがある
  • in one's bones 予感する, 確信する
  • make no bones about 平気でする
  • pared to the bone がりがりに痩せた
  • to the bone 骨まで, 徹底的に
