2010年11月24日 星期三

Ponzi scheme / participating in the fraud

Madoff Trustee Sues UBS for $2 Billion
The trustee recovering money for victims of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme is seeking $2 billion from UBS through a lawsuit that accuses the Swiss banking giant of participating in the fraud.

par·tic·i·pate (pär-tĭs'ə-pāt') pronunciation

v., -pat·ed, -pat·ing, -pates. v.intr.
  1. To take part in something: participated in the festivities.
  2. To share in something: If only I could participate in your good fortune.
v.tr. Archaic
To partake of.

[Latin participāre, participāt-, from particeps, particip-, partaker : pars, part-, part; see part + capere, to take.]

participative par·tic'i·pa'tive adj.
participator par·tic'i·pa'tor n.
