2024年4月16日 星期二

bloodbath, “thrown out the child with the bath-water.”

It's a bloodbath 😳 Read more: https://trib.al/U1PzQqQ

The reaction against the Imitation theory has naturally and inevitably gone much too far. We have “thrown out the child with the bath-water.” All through the present book we have tried to show that art arises from ritual, and ritual is in its essence a faded action, an imitation. Moreover, every work of art is a copy of something, only not a copy of anything having actual existence in the outside world. Rather it is a copy of that inner and highly emotionalized vision of the artist which it is granted to him to see and recreate when he is released from certain practical reactions.

turn (sb) against sb/sth

The Bloodbath of British Banks

Following a huge loss by RBS on Jan. 19, investors turned against other City of London bastions, including Lloyds, Barclays, and even HSBC

2010/11/9 看伊拉克新聞

: blood·bath (blŭd'băth', -bäth') pronunciation
Savage, indiscriminate killing; a massacre.



  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[bǽθ | bɑ'ːθ]
[名](複〜s 〔bǽðz, bǽθs | bðz〕)
1 入浴;水浴び;日光浴
take [((英))have] a bath
入浴する(▼The baby's taking a bath. とすると赤ん坊がひとりで入浴している感じになる)
run a quick bath
give a person a bath
2 浴槽, 湯ぶね(▼((米))では通例bathtub);浴室, ふろ場. ⇒BATHROOM
a single room with a private bath
run a bath
浴槽に湯[水]を入れる;入浴する, シャワーを浴びる.
3 ((しばしば〜sで単数扱い))
(1) (しばしばプールつきの)浴場, ふろ屋(bathhouse);((英古風))プール(swimming bath)
public baths
Turkish bath
(2) (特に古代ローマの)大浴場(communal bath).
4 ((通例〜s))湯治場, 温泉地(spa).
5 [U]溶液, 処理液, 調合液;[C](溶液などの)容器
a fixing bath
6 《工学》…浴:砂・水・油などを媒体とする温度調節装置.
7 《冶金》炉底;鋼浴.
8 びしょぬれ
in a bath of perspirationsweat
take a bath
(1) ⇒[名]1
(2) ((米略式))破産する;(…で)大損する((on, in ...)).
