2010年9月29日 星期三

not bad, centimeter, millimeter

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

The researchers found a large variation in lip thickness among women over 60. The pink part of the thinnest lips measured just 3 mm from the top of the upper lip to the bottom of the lower lip, while the fullest lips among the over-sixties measured 2.2 cm.


━━ n. センチ(メートル) ((略 cm)).
 centimeter-gram(me)-second sỳstem cgs単位制.
millimeter, 〔米〕millimetre
〔英〕 n. ミリメートル ((略 mm)). 毫米

not bad

Also, not half bad; not so or too bad; not too shabby. Fairly good, as in Not bad, said the conductor, but we need to play the scherzo again, or The movie wasn't half bad, but Jerry wanted to go home, or Our garden's not too bad this year, or How are things going?--Not too shabby. All of the terms involving bad, which imply that something is less bad than it might be, date from the mid-1700s. The last variant, using shabby in the sense of "inferior," is slang of the late 1900s.
