2015年5月27日 星期三

leaning, predilection, taxing

Republican-leaning groups have been buying far more TV ads in support of their candidates than Democratic groups have.

Supreme Court justices’ decisions have increasingly been regarded as falling along ideological lines. But since justices are not representatives of any political party, it confuses matters to identify them in nakedly partisan terms. As we await big decisions on gay marriage and the fate of Obamacare, it is encouraging to see signs that the justices are not always captive to their predilectionshttp://econ.st/1K8rZmz

IN THE 15 years since the nine members of the Supreme Court effectively picked the nation’s 43rd president in Bush v Gore, the justices’ decisions have...

predilection Line breaks: pre¦di|lec¦tion
Pronunciation: /ˌpriːdɪˈlɛkʃ(ə)n/ 

Definition of predilection in English:


preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something:your predilection for pretty girls

An inclination, a tendency, or a preference. See synonyms at predilection.
