2012年9月8日 星期六

familiarity breeds contempt, contemptuous

 The author, most recently, of "Two or Three Things I Forgot to Tell You" and "Black Dahlia & White Rose" admits that she first found Walt Whitman disappointing: "Please don't send contemptuous e-mails."

Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful.

contemptuously con·temp'tu·ous·ly adv.
contemptuousness con·temp'tu·ous·ness n.
  • 発音記号[kəntémptʃuəs]

[形]軽蔑を示す, 侮辱的な, さげすんだ;(…を)軽蔑して;軽視して((of ...))
contemptuous of public opinion
familiarity breeds contempt,
Cf. [St. Augustine Scala Paradisi 8 (Migne 40, col. 1001)] vulgare proverbium est, quod nimia familiaritas parit contemptum, it is a common proverb, that too much familiarity breeds contempt.
Men seyn that ‘over-greet hoomlynesse [familiarity] engendreth dispreisynge’.
[c 1386 Chaucer Tale of Melibee l. 1685]
Hys specyall frendes counsailled him to beware, least his ouermuche familiaritie myght breade him contempte.
[1539 R. Taverner Garden of Wisdom ii. 4V]
With base and sordid natures familiarity breeds contempt.
[1654 T. Fuller Comment on Ruth 176]
Perhaps, if I heard Tennyson talking every day, I shouldn't read Tennyson. Familiarity does breed contempt.
[1869 Trollope He knew He was Right ii. lvi.]
We say‥Familiarity breeds contempt. ‥That is only partly true. It has taken some races of men thousands of years to become contemptuous of the moon.
[1928 D. H. Lawrence Phoenix II (1968) 598]
What's that saying about familiarity breeding contempt? By now, [Daniel] Snyder doesn't seem to think much of any of them.
[2002 Washington Times 12 Jan. A11]
英文的familiarity breeds contempt(熟悉生輕蔑)實在是一句至理名言,孔子也說過「君子之交淡如水」,乃因人太熟會看清彼此的弱點,不再尊重對方。
羅納‧黎奧(Ronald Ridout)和克利福‧維亭(Clifford Witting)所著的《英文格言解說》一書的中譯者把familiarity breeds contempt譯成「狎暱產生輕蔑,熟稔造成輕忽」,再加上四句同義的格言:「僕人眼裡無英雄」、「河裡淹死會水的」、「善游者溺,善騎者墮」、「淹死 的是會水的,打死的是會拳的」。原作者也引用了四句類似諺語,其中有「先知除了在本鄉之外,沒有不受尊敬的」,以及「距離產生美感」。根據搜集的資料,我 又可以再加四句:「虎生猶可畏,人熟不堪親」、「近廟欺神」、「近之則不遜」,以及「日久翫生」。中外有這麼多類似說法,可見道理的真實程度。
