2016年6月3日 星期五

decent, honorable, well-meaning, free speech, speak out

Curbs on free speech are growing tighter. It is time to speak out

Free speech is under attack by governments, terrorists and well-meaning students

Curbs on free speech are growing tighter

Debating the Semantics of ‘Rape’
Two proposals in the New York State Legislature would redefine certain sex crimes, but some prosecutors worry that well-meaning changes might make cases harder.

2010.9.25 今天 HBO再不斷地播好看的電影: The Remains of the Day won the 1989 Booker Prize. 【譯名情況長日將盡 ( )/告別有情天 ( )/去日留痕 (其他 ) ... 。書籍: 『長日留痕』南京:譯林出版社,2003 】我們可以引用主角安東尼.霍普金斯、艾瑪.湯普森在海濱談;「黃昏無限好」來勉勵他,還有第二春。
電影中有一次重要的 Lord Darlington, 晚晏,該莊園的未來新主人劉易斯舉杯說,舉座嘉賓皆Decent, honorable and well-meaning『長日留痕』p.100正派、體面、本意善良)。

well meaning 


(also well meant)


Well intentioned:well-meaning friends
