2010年8月6日 星期五

taking their work commitments to unhealthy lengths

Germans have a reputation for efficiency and organisation, but some
employees are taking their work commitments to unhealthy lengths. A recent
study show two thirds of the German workforce responds to business
correspondence out of office hours - even if they're on holidays. So when
does dedication turn into addiction?

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

  1. The state, quality, or fact of being long. See Usage Note at strength.
  2. The measurement of the extent of something along its greatest dimension: the length of the boat.
  3. A piece, often of a standard size, that is normally measured along its greatest dimension: a length of cloth.
  4. A measure used as a unit to estimate distances: won the race by a length.
  5. Extent or distance from beginning to end: the length of a novel; the length of a journey.
  6. The amount of time between specified moments; the duration: the length of a meeting.
  7. Extent or degree to which an action or policy is carried. Often used in the plural: went to great lengths to prove his point.
  8. Linguistics.
    1. The duration of a vowel.
    2. The duration of a syllable.
  9. The vertical extent of a garment. Often used in combination: knee-length; floor-length.

at length

  1. After some time; eventually: At length we arrived at our destination.
  2. For a considerable time; fully: spoke at length about the court ruling.

[Middle English, from Old English lengthu.]
