2024年4月20日 星期六

temporize, enactment. The pieces of the $95 billion package were expected to pass, putting the legislation on track for enactment after a tortured journey through Congress.

House Set to Vote on Aid Bills for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

The pieces of the $95 billion package were expected to pass, putting the legislation on track for enactment after a tortured journey through Congress.

North Korea Calls for Enactment of Investment Pact

In its first interaction with visitors from South Korea since the death of Kim Jong-il, North Korea on Tuesday called for the implementation of inter-Korean summit agreements.

tem·po·rize (tĕm'pə-rīz') pronunciation
intr.v., -rized, -riz·ing, -riz·es.
  1. To act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision: "Colonial officials . . . ordered to enforce unpopular enactments, tended to temporize, to find excuses for evasion" (J.H. Parry).
  2. To engage in discussions or negotiations, especially so as to achieve a compromise or gain time.
  3. To yield to current circumstances or necessities; act to suit the time.

[French temporiser, from Old French, from Medieval Latin temporizāre, to pass one's time, from Latin tempus, tempor-, time.]

temporization tem'po·ri·za'tion (-pər-ĭ-zā'shən) n.
temporizer tem'po·riz'er n.


  • 発音記号[inǽktmənt]

1 [U]法律の制定, 立法(化).
2 法令, 法律の条項.
3 ((形式))(劇などの)上演.
4 《精神分析》(抑圧された感情などの)行動化, 無意識に行動に表すこと.
5 《経営》創発:企業環境などを所与とせず, 企業が主体的に決定し, 作り上げること.
