2023年8月15日 星期二

bulbous, self-illuminating costume


Bulbous The Red Hot Chili Peppers got turned on by the bulb during the 1994 Wo bulbous, odstock music festival, donning memorable self-illuminating costumes for their stag

Niki de Saint Phalle called a series of her sculptures "Nanas". They were " bulbous, archetypal maternal figures like Mexican piñatas painted in bold colors and decorated with crisp, cartoon outlines".[6] She explained that her title evoked the prototype of the female: Eve! Aphrodite! Nana de Zola! Inusable! Increvable! (Eve! Aphrodite! Zola's Nana! Everlasting! Indestructible!).[7]


“People ask, ‘How did you make such a perfect pot?’” Vigil told me. He doesn’t have an answer. He said he went into “a dream space.”

In an interview at the Vilcek Foundation, Brian Vallo said his paternal grandmother, Juana Vallo, painted her pots with ground black hematite, a mineral, with wild spinach paste as a binder. It was a full day’s journey to gather clay. “My granddad would say that if you go in with a very pure mind, the clay will be easier to remove,” said Vallo. For the show, he chose an Acoma water jar painted with Zuni-inspired birds that his grandmother would call “Zuni Fat Tails.” At Acoma, women would collect rainwater from naturally-formed cisterns on the mesa top and then balance the bulbous jars on their heads — “basically carrying a cloud,” he said.


adj.Resembling a bulb in shape; rounded or swollen: a bulbous nose; a bulbous stem base.
Botany. Bearing bulbs or growing from a bulb.bulbously bul'bous·ly adv.
