2023年10月31日 星期二

self-regard, self-respect, self-rising , self-worth. "The Source of Self-Regard"

"The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations" by Toni Morrison is a powerful and thought-provoking collection that showcases the celebrated author's intellect, wisdom, and insight. Comprising a selection of her essays, speeches, and meditations, the book offers readers a deep dive into Morrison's reflections on a wide array of topics, including race, identity, literature, history, and the human condition.
Throughout the collection, Morrison explores themes related to African American culture, social justice, and the struggles faced by marginalized communities. With eloquence and passion, she addresses issues such as racial inequality, the legacy of slavery, and the importance of cultural representation. Morrison's writing is imbued with a profound sense of empathy, urging readers to confront the harsh realities of the world while also highlighting the resilience and beauty of the human spirit.
"The Source of Self-Regard" is not only a critique of societal injustices but also a celebration of literature and the power of storytelling. Morrison delves into the complexities of human relationships, delving into the nuances of love, family, and community. Her essays and speeches are marked by a poetic language and a deep understanding of the human experience, inviting readers to reflect on their own lives and the broader issues affecting society.
In this collection, Toni Morrison's brilliance as a writer and thinker shines through, offering readers a profound and enriching exploration of the human condition. Her words inspire introspection, empathy, and a renewed commitment to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by individuals and communities around the world."
You can also get the audio book for free using the same link, as far as you are registered on the Audible Platform.
可能是顯示的文字是「 THE SOURCE OF SELF-REGARD Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations TONI MORRISON Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 」的圖像

In a test that asks subjects to agree or disagree with statements such as “I like to look at my body” and “Somebody should write a biography about me”, 93% of young Americans emerge as being more narcissistic than the average 20 years ago. With the rise in self-regard has come an unprecedented yearning for fame http://econ.st/1JEi9uP

You are not special
How to get from narcissism to thoughtfulness


Store bought self-rising flour does not contain yeast, and cannot be made by
adding yeast.

self-worth (noun) Respect for or a favorable opinion of oneself.
Synonyms:dignity, self-regard
Usage:This is the third time Luke has been fired in the past year, and I can only imagine the damage that it is doing to his self-worth.

  1. Consideration of oneself or one's interests.
  2. Self-respect.
