2024年4月1日 星期一

pointillistically, Vanishing Point, minimalism. digital minimalism, A new set of EU laws to be adopted in April will, in many ways, formalise a tactic that has become the norm in recent years

Trade, aid and visas are increasingly conditional on helping Europe stem migration. A new set of EU laws to be adopted in April will, in many ways, formalise a tactic that has become the norm in recent years

'Vanishing Point: Not a Memoir'

Ander Monson's collection, in a tradition that has been described as the "lyric essay," pointillistically confronts puzzles of truth and identity.

(noun) An art movement in sculpture and painting that began in the 1950s and emphasized extreme simplification of form and color.
Usage:The sculpture—simply a perfect sphere—must have been created at the height of minimalism.

Minimal Art

A Critical Anthology

Gregory Battcock (Editor), Anne M. Wagner (Introduction)

Available worldwide
Paperback, 454 pages
ISBN: 9780520201477
August 1995
  "Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World" by Cal Newport presents a philosophy for technology use that focuses on quality over quantity, helping individuals to lead more focused and meaningful lives in the age of constant digital connectivity. 

Here are some key lessons from the book

1. Technology Overuse Can Diminish Life Quality: Newport argues that unchecked use of digital devices and platforms can lead to distraction, dissatisfaction, and a detachment from real-life experiences and relationships.

2. Principle of Digital Minimalism: The core idea is to use technology in a way that supports your values while eliminating everything else that distracts you. It's not about rejecting technology entirely but about adopting a more intentional approach to its use.

3. Perform a Digital Declutter: Newport suggests taking a 30-day break from optional technologies in your life, after which you carefully reintroduce only those tools that bring true value to you. This helps identify what is genuinely important and beneficial.

4. Spend Time Alone: Solitude is valuable for personal reflection and development. Digital minimalism encourages spending time away from digital distractions to engage in solitary activities, helping to process experiences and make better decisions.

5. Prioritize Leisure Activities That Support Your Values: Instead of defaulting to passive digital consumption, choose leisure activities that align with your values and contribute to your well-being, such as reading, crafting, or spending time in nature.

6. Cultivate High-Quality Leisure Skills: Engaging in activities that require skill and attention can be more fulfilling than passive digital consumption. Learning new skills or hobbies can lead to deeper satisfaction and personal growth.

7. Engage in Conversation over Connection: Newport emphasizes the importance of prioritizing face-to-face conversations over digital connections. Real-life interactions are richer and more meaningful than the often superficial connections made through social media.

8. Reclaim Leisure: Encourages finding non-digital activities that you find fulfilling and engaging. This can help reduce the time spent on screens and improve mental health and happiness.

9. Focus on Intentional Use of Technology: Make conscious choices about how you use technology, ensuring that each tool serves a specific, valuable purpose in your life without causing distraction or distress.

10. Simplify Your Digital Life: Continuously evaluate and streamline your digital tools and platforms to minimize clutter and distraction. This might mean unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, using fewer social media platforms, or consolidating digital tasks.

"Digital Minimalism" is not just about reducing screen time; it's a broader philosophy about making more room in your life for the things that matter. Newport's approach encourages a thoughtful, selective engagement with digital tools, ensuring that technology enhances rather than detracts from the quality of your life.

Book: https://amzn.to/4afCt6f

You can get the audiobook for FREE by using the same link above when you register on the Audible platform.


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[edit] English

[edit] Etymology

From Pointillism

[edit] Adjective

pointillistic (comparative more pointillistic, superlative most pointillistic)

more pointillistic

most pointillistic
  1. Having a style marked by using many small, distinct points of color to form an image
    a pointillistic work of art
  2. (by extension) Having the minimalistic, analytical character associated with pointillism
    • 2008 December 12, Jon Pareles, “Hey, Kids! Care for a Little Minimalism With Your Dance Grooves?”, The New York Times:
      Their songs are mercurial, exhilarating structures with angular, leaping vocal lines from David Longstreth, cooing female vocal harmonies and pointillistic guitar patterns that do with Congolese soukous what Steve Reich did with Ghanian drumming: analyze, formalize and layer on new, dizzying convolutions.

[edit] Synonyms

[edit] Derived terms

[edit] See also

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