2010年4月30日 星期五

Fanny, Sherry, pretty Penny



有三個美國男人去參加就業口試,主考官看了第一個男人的履歷表,就說他愛喝酒,不能錄取,因為他娶了一個太太名叫Sherry。然後主考官又看看第二個男 人的履歷表,搖頭說他愛錢,因為他娶了一個太太叫Penny。此時第三個男人笑著對另外兩個男人說:「那我也沒有希望了,因為我太太叫Fanny。」

這邊的Sherry除了是女人的名字之外,也有「雪利酒」的意思,Penny除了是女人的名字,也是錢的單位「便士」,而Fanny除了是女人的名字,也 作「屁股」。如有人能一次到位把這三個字譯成既是女人名字,又有上述三種意義的中文,不用任何譯註,那真是譯林高手了!

n. Slang, pl., -nies.
The buttocks.

[Perhaps from Fanny, a nickname for Frances.]

n., pl., -ries.
  1. A fortified Spanish wine ranging from very dry to sweet and from amber to brown.
  2. A similar wine made elsewhere.

[Alteration of sherris (taken as pl.), after Xeres (Jerez), Spain.]

n., pl., -nies.
  1. In the United States and Canada, the coin that is worth one cent.
  2. pl., pence (pĕns).
    1. (Abbr. p.) A coin used in Great Britain since 1971, worth 1/100 of a pound. Also called new penny.
    2. (Abbr. d.) A coin formerly used in Great Britain, worth 1/12 of a shilling or 1/240 of a pound.
    3. A coin formerly used in the Republic of Ireland, worth 1/100 of a pound.
    4. A coin used in various dependent territories of the United Kingdom.
  3. Any of various coins of small denomination.
  4. A sum of money.
  5. One of a set of colored, usually sleeveless shirts worn as a temporary team uniform, as when scrimmaging.

pretty penny

  1. A considerable sum of money: I paid a pretty penny for that ring.

[Middle English, an English coin, from Old English penig.]
