2013年3月14日 星期四

flavor, Coca-Cola/ Classic, Illegally Using GPS to gather confidential information,

China Accuses Coca-Cola of Illegally Using GPS

BEIJING—Authorities in China accused Coca-Cola Co. of illegally using the Global Positioning System to gather confidential information, the latest episode spotlighting the sensitivity surrounding data gathering in the country.
In London, a Taste of America
A look at three restaurants reaching across the Atlantic for flavor.

Why did Coca-Cola get the new name, Coke Classic? It comes from the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule. Coca-Cola was the leading soft drink when it started to lose market share to the sweeter-tasting Pepsi. A decision was made to change Coke's formula. It was to be just a small change, but would at the same time allow the company to freshen its look and ignite some marketing buzz. Twenty-five years ago today, New Coke appeared on the shelves. It was a marketing disaster. Even though many people actually liked the sweeter taste, a small but very vocal group loudly objected to the change. Three months later, the company re-released a version of the original flavor, under the name Coke Classic. New Coke (also called Coca-Cola II) was discontinued in most places by 2002, and "Coca-Cola" refers to the flagship soft drink.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[fléivər]

1 (独特の)味, 風味, 香味. ⇒TASTE[類語]
give flavor to food
What flavor (of) ice cream do you have
2 調味料, 香辛料, 薬味
an artificial flavor
3 趣, 味わい, 持ち味, 特色
an autumn flavor
catch the flavor of the original
4 [U]((古))芳香.
5 《物理学》フレイバー:クオークまたはレプトンを識別する内部量子数.
flavor of the month [the week]
((米略式))今はやりのもの[こと];時の人;一時的なもの, 一過性のもの.
━━[動](他)〈飲食物に〉(…で)味をつける((with ...));〈生活・話などに〉趣を添える.
[中フランス語←後ラテン語flātor(悪臭). -v-がはいったのはsavour(風味)の類推による]
"Without a Coca-Cola life is unthinkable."Henry Miller, The Air-Conditioned Nightmare

