2013年3月24日 星期日

purchasable, wish list, shopping list, Repurchase Agreement - Repo/purchase

 wish list, shopping list

shopping list
  1. A list of items to be purchased.
  2. Informal. An enumeration, as of items desired or matters being considered: "It is easy enough to draw up a shopping list of what one would like to know" (James Le Fanu).

wish list, shopping list

German Business Gives Merkel a New Wish List
German business wasted no time in making demands on the country's next government, following Sunday's election victory by Merkel's center-right alliance.

wish list
An often mental list of things wanted or wished for.


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[pə'ːrtʃəs]

1 ((形式))…を購入する;[purchase A B/purchase B for A]〈A(人)にB(物)を〉買う, 買ってやる. ▼buyより改まった語
purchase a new car for 5,000 dollars
I purchased my wife a new coat [=a new coat for my wife].
2 ((文))〈勝利・自由などを〉(努力して)手に入れる, 勝ち取る;《法律》〈土地・財産を〉(相続以外の方法で)取得する
purchase freedom with blood
3 〈金などが〉…を買うのに十分である.
4 〈錨(いかり)などを〉(てこ・滑車などを使って)動かす;…に滑車を仕掛ける.
1 [C][U]購入, 買い入れ
find purchase
a wise purchase
make a purchase
(a) gift with purchase
2 ((しばしば〜s))買い物;買った物, 購入品.
3 [U]《法律》(相続以外による財産の)取得, 譲り受け.
4 [U](努力などによる)獲得, 取得.
5 起重装置, てこ, 滑車, 巻き揚げ機.
6 (重い物を動かしたりする時の)力のかかる場所, 足掛かり;(てこの)支点;[U]てこ作用.
7 [U]土地からの年収, 上がり高(地代など);価値.
8 [U]((時にa [the] 〜))しっかり握ること;手[足]掛かり
get [gain] a purchase on
be not worth an hour's [a day's] purchase
on special purchase


(adjective) Capable of being corrupted.
Synonyms:bribable, corruptible, venal, dishonest
Usage:If there is just one purchasable juror assigned to my case, I may have a chance of beating the charges.

Repurchase Agreement - Repo for Lehman Brothers

雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)倒閉調查報告出爐,震撼華爾街和倫敦金融城,重創銀行業信譽。各大金融機構人人自危,紛紛出面澄清絕無非法的作帳行為。
這份長達2,200頁的調查報告,完整揭發雷曼前高階主管和Ernst & Young審計員的惡行,也讓原來已聲名狼藉的銀行業更難堪。
倫敦金融時報駐華爾街特派記者貝爾指出,大量使用Repo 市場的多是獨立投資銀行,現在獨立的投資銀行已較少見。其他銀行表示未參與這種交易,前雷曼員工和其他接受調查者也相信,雷曼是唯一使用Repo 105交易的公司。
調查報告點名七家雷曼交易對手,名稱在報告中大多數只用簡稱表示。報告寫道:雷曼在2007到2008年的交易對手主要是瑞穗、巴克萊、瑞士銀行 (UBS)、三菱和KBC,代表的是瑞穗金融集團、巴克萊公司(Barclays PLC)、瑞士銀行集團(UBS AG)、三菱日聯金融集團和KBC集團旗下的部門。名稱比較完整呈現的是德意志銀行集團(Deutsche Bank AG)和荷蘭銀行控股公司(ABN Amro Holding NV)。

Repurchase Agreement - Repo

A form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. The dealer sells the government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis, and buys them back the following day.

For the party selling the security (and agreeing to repurchase it in the future) it is a repo; for the party on the other end of the transaction, (buying the security and agreeing to sell in the future) it is a reverse repurchase agreement.
Investopedia Says:
Repos are classified as a money-market instrument. They are usually used to raise short-term capital.
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