2020年4月7日 星期二

【#逐字學英文國際日報】83: bow to, take a bow, Invictus, unbowed, Invictus Games, strait the gate, strait-laced, playbill, roscian

Campione d’Italia's residents were content being part of the Swiss customs area. That is all changing now

Campione d’Italia unwillingly joins the EU’s customs union

英國「周日泰晤士報」題為「我們向北京低頭,但台北才有新冠病毒之解決辦法—我們應效仿台灣之防疫經驗,而非倚賴中國或世衛組織之建議 」之報導,提及台灣在防疫上明智許多,因它不相信北京之官方報告,也未遵循WHO之建議,而是自行啟動緊急應對措施。
In a report titled "We bowed to Beijing but Taipei had the answer to the coronavirus—We should have followed Taiwan’s example rather than rely on China or the World Health Organisation for advice on pandemic", the Sunday Times mentions that "Taiwan was much wiser about things. It did not believe the official reports coming out of Beijing, and it did not follow WHO advice. It went its own way...[and] implemented its emergency response plan to a virus outbreak."

Take a bow! According to Playbill‪#‎NYU‬ is the school with the most alumni currently performing on Broadway. (Not that we're surprised!)‪#‎VioletPride‬

What does it take to land a Broadway show? Hard work, talent, luck – all...
 Korean Cash Takes Broadway Bows
With Broadway musicals finding success in Seoul, Korean producers are starting to get in on the front end of the financing in New York.
Romney Tax Returns Reveal Private Equity Riches Bowing to pressure, ....

早前美國總統奧巴馬及第一夫人蜜雪兒向英國哈利王子下戰書,美國選手將會在“不屈不撓”運動會(Invictus Games)全力以赴。

What does 'invictus' mean?
Invictus is the Latin word for "unconquered." It is also the title of a nineteenth-century poem written by William Ernst Henley. Henley wrote the poem as he lay in a hospital bed, recovering from the amputation of his leg after a long battle with tuberculosis of the bone. During Nelson Mandela's 27-year captivity as a political prisoner, he kept a copy of the inspirational poem on the wall of his cell. Mandela was released from prison on this date in 1990. Director Clint Eastwood's acclaimed film Invictus tells the story of how Mandela, South Africa's first black president, joined forces with the captain of the national rugby team, François Pienaar, to get South Africa's Springboks to the Rugby World Cup finals. They saw it as a way to begin the healing of a nation that had been torn apart by apartheid.


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

"It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll/ I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."William Ernst Henley, the final stanza of his poem, "Invictus"

bow to (人)に礼[おじぎ]をする ~に降参[屈服]する 
 bow to something は何か: to accept something unwillingly

roscian (ROSH-ee-uhn)

Of or related to acting.

After Quintus Roscius Gallus (c.126-62 BCE), a Roman actor famous for his talent in acting

Roscius was born in slavery but his success on stage won him freedom from the dictator Sulla. He was considered the greatest comic actor and Cicero took elocution lessons from him. Cicero later returned the favor by defending him in a lawsuit and the defense speech survives to this day. In his honor, accomplished actors are sometimes called Roscius.

"I put my hands in my pockets. A folded piece of paper in one of them attracting my attention, I opened it and found it to be the playbill I had received from Joe, relative to the celebrated provincial amateur of Roscian renown." — Charles Dickens; Great Expectations; 1861.

A poster announcing a theatrical performance.
n. - 演劇のビラ, プログラム program

bow2 (bou) pronunciation

v., bowed, bow·ing, bows. v.intr.
  1. To bend or curve downward; stoop.
  2. To incline the body or head or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.
  3. To yield in defeat or out of courtesy; submit. See synonyms at yield.

bow and scrape

behave in an obsequious way to someone in authority.

make one's bow

make one’s first formal appearance in a particular role:he made his bow as a science fiction writer

take a bow

(of a performer) acknowledge applause after a performance by bowing: figurative the aides do the grind work while the boss takes the bows

Phrasal Verbs

bow out

withdraw or retire from an activity, role, or commitment:many artists are forced to bow out of the profession at a relatively early age
(ŭn-boud') pronunciation
  1. Not bowed; unbent.
  2. Not subdued; unyielding: "My head is bloody but unbowed" (W.E. Henley).
"Strait" in the first line of the stanza means "narrow," and the image of a gate implies captivity or impasse, but yet these two words also imply the possibility of passing; the entrance to Heaven is often described as a narrow gate. The scroll of punishments is likely a reference to the divine penalties or trials assigned to the poet by God. It could also be taken as a play on 'straight the gait' in reference to his health problems, which had cost him one of his legs.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/invictus-1#ixzz1kOL5Mafm 整首詩的解釋

[名]1 ((しばしば〜sで単数扱い))海峡, 瀬戸 the Straits of Doverドーバー海峡.▼the Straitsといえば, もとGibraltar海峡をさしたが, 現在はMa...
[形]1 非常に厳格な, しかつめらしい.2 ((古))〈コルセットなどが〉きつくひもで締めた.
(他)((形式))1 ((通例受身))…を(特に財政的に)困らせる in straitened circumstances(通例そうでない人が)窮乏して be straitened for [i...
1 (乱暴な囚人などに着せる)拘束服.2 成長[発展]を妨げるもの.



Excessively rigid in matters of conduct; narrow or over-precise in one's behaviour or moral judgement.


'Strait', which is often confused with its homonym 'straight', is a word that is rarely used alone but has stayed with us in expressions like 'strait and narrow', 'dire straits', 'strait-jacket' and 'straitened circumstances'. The meaning of those phrases becomes clear when we know that 'strait' means, not 'free from curvature', but 'tight'.
