2013年3月15日 星期五

ice cube machine, careers advice, bout

On Oct. 30, 1974, Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the eighth round of a 15-round bout in Kinshasa, Zaire, to regain his world heavyweight title.

Wanderlei Silva set for bout
Wanderlei Silva has returned to a familiar place -- and weight -- for his upcoming light-heavyweight bout against Brian Stann at a UFC on Fuel event in Saitama, Japan. Silva, 36, is set to compete in Japan for the first time since December 2006. The ...
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careers advice

Katharine Horler, of Connexions, which provides advice to teenagers, said people were wrong to judge careers advice on whether they ended up doing the job their advisor suggested.
She explained: "That's not what careers advice is about.
"Careers advice is about developing decision making skills, developing resilience to help you manage the ups and downs that come with a career.
"Good careers advice is actually about helping people develop those skills for the whole of their careers and for the rest of their lives."

Commercial Ice Cube Machines Recalled by Scotsman Due to Fire Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Scotsman(r) Commercial Modular Cube Ice Machines (Modular Cubers)
Units: About 43,000
Manufacturer: Scotsman Group LLC, of Vernon Hills, Ill.
Hazard: The solenoid, an electrical component in the product, can fail and result in an electrical arc that can pose a fire hazard.

(bout) pronunciation
  1. A contest between antagonists; a match: a wrestling bout.
  2. A period of time spent in a particular way; a spell: "His tremendous bouts of drinking had wrecked his health" (Thomas Wolfe).
[From obsolete English bought, a turning (influenced by ABOUT), from Middle English, from bowen, to bend, turn. See bow2.]


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[báut]
 (ボクシング・レスリング・フェンシングなどの)一試合[勝負];競争, 張り合い
have a bout with ...
play one bout or two
1, 2回勝負する.
2 ひとしきり続く不快な状態
have two bouts of cold
3 (いやな)一仕事, 一働き
have a bout at the word processor
4 狂騒, 激しい一時的な行動
drinking bout
