2014年3月10日 星期一

revisit, flat-footed, reservation, grader, revisitation

The rate of suicide among young Native Americans is more than three times the national average, and up to 10 times the average on some reservations.

Their scandalous affair served as the raw material for Duras's best-selling 1984 novel, "The Lover," for a film version shot in Vietnam, and for Duras's revisitation of her past, the memoir-like 1992 novel-in-film-notes "The North China Lover."
Michael Shockley, right, and Matt Lee, tribal  officers, at a basketball game at Wyoming Indian High School on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming.
Matthew Staver for The New York Times

Policing Is Cut as Reservation Crime Rises

By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS 39 minutes ago
The federal government has reduced its law enforcement efforts on Indian lands even as rates of murder and rape there have increased.


Slide Show Slide Show: They Grow Up So Fast
Revisiting New York fifth graders three years later.

OBAMA: You keep saying there were no terror attacks after 9/11, Dick. That’s like saying that blimps were safe after the Hindenburg. I wouldn’t have been caught flat-footed reading “The Pet Goat” to second graders.

 Detroit's Unsold Cars Pile Up
Wall Street Journal
"They [the Japanese auto makers] really had to get aggressive about getting their market share back and maybe that did catch some by surprise or even flat-footed," said Edmunds.com automotive analyst Michelle Krebs. Toyota and Honda "have a lot of ...


Pronunciation: /ˈgreɪdə/

Definition of grader


  • 1a person or thing that grades.
  • 2a wheeled machine for levelling the ground, especially in making roads.
3 [in combination] North American a pupil of a specified grade in a school:a first-grader


  1. Of or afflicted with flatfoot.
    1. Steady on the feet.
    2. Informal. Without reservation; forthright: a flat-footed refusal.
  2. Unable to react quickly; unprepared: The new product caught their competitors flat-footed.
flat-footedly flat'-foot'ed·ly adv.
flat-footedness flat'-foot'ed·ness n.

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  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[rèzərvéiʃən]
1 ((しばしば〜s))((主に米))(座席・部屋などの)指定, 予約(((英))booking)
cancel reservations
Did you make a hotel reservation for tonight
2 [U](権利などの)保留;[U][C]限定, 制限, 条件, 差し控え, 留保
with reservations
without reservation
with the reservation that
3 [U][C](…について)控え目にすること, 遠慮, 隠し立て((about ...))
He approved the plan with an inner reservation.
He had moral reservations about joining the army.
4 ((米))(公共のための)特別保留地;(野生動物の)保護区
an Indian reservation
5 ((しばしばR-))《カトリック》(病人の聖体拝領用などの)聖体の保存.
6 ((英))(道路の)中央分離帯.
condemn ... without reservation
…を絶対に容赦しない, ただではおかない.
without reservation(s)
(1) ⇒2
(2) 率直に, 遠慮[腹蔵]なく.


Syllabification: (re·vis·it)
Pronunciation: /rēˈvizit/
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verb (revisits, revisiting, revisited)

[with object]
  • come back to or visit again:she was anxious to revisit some of her old haunts in Paris
  • consider (a situation or problem) again or from a different perspective:the council will have to revisit the issue at a general meeting this summer
