2015年8月23日 星期日

knacker, practicums, practica. knacker’s yard

'I don't know about you, but I am knackered. I wake up knackered, and spend each morning limply punching away at the fog inside my skull. I eat lunch knackered, then swear at every inanimate object in front of me. I try not to fall asleep at my desk, then stagger to my sofa, pass out in my clothes and crawl into bed for another night of infuriatingly broken sleep. That is my life. It's not like I even do very much'

The program combines rigorous classroom study with an intensive practicum experience. Practica provide students with an opportunity to test theory, learn by doing, experience leadership and practice teamwork.

While Spanish village fiestas thrive, serious bullfighting is in a sorry state. A bull bubble, pumped up by municipal income from building licences, burst in 2008, mirroring Spain’s housing market. The number of quality bullfights has halved since 2007. Opponents may rejoice, but even bulls that take part in popular festivals usually go straight to the knacker’s yard http://econ.st/1K8MzWL

DAVID GONZALEZ was trying to capture a charging bull on his mobile phone camera during a village fiesta in Villaseca de la Sagra in central Spain on August 9th....

John Butler, academic director in the Energy Management and Innovation Center in the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, says: “To get a new course offered is very hard.” For that reason, the university offers practicums as a way to get around the formality of creating a new course. These project-based courses change topics from year to year and are a good way to get into alternatives.

得克萨斯大学(University of Texas) McCombs商学院能源管理和创新中心(Energy Management and Innovation Center)学术主管约翰•巴特勒(John Butler)表示:“推出一门新课程难度很大。”因此,该校推出了一些实习课程,以绕过开办新课程的手续。这些基于项目的课程每年都会变换主题,是一种 了解替代能源的好方法。

The word — meaning more than tired, beat — transported me to the England of my youth, a place of hissing gas fires, metered hot water, contempt for “the Continent,” schoolboys in corduroy shorts, crows over the rubbish dumps, skinheads on the tube, Pink Floyd in Hyde Park, soggy leaves and solid fog.

knacker's yard
  1. a place where old or injured animals are taken to be slaughtered.
    "in 1989, the firm was ready for the knacker's yard"


adj. Chiefly British.
Very tired; exhausted.


Line breaks: knacker
Pronunciation: /ˈnakə/


[with object] informal Back to top  
  • 1Tire (someone) out: this weekend has really knackered me

  • 1.1Damage (something) severely: I knackered my ankle playing on Sunday

prac·ti·cum (prăk'tĭ-kəm) pronunciation
A practicum is a college course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously studied theory. Practicums (student teaching) are common for education and social work majors.
It is also called work placement, especially in the UK.


Syllabification: prac·ti·cum
Pronunciation: /ˈpraktikəm

noun (plural practicums)

chiefly North American
  • a practical section of a course of study.
    More example sentences
    • In spring 1994 he failed a graduate student who, he alleges, attended only three of fifteen classes in a practicum education course.
    • In the third semester, students complete studies in career applications and group work, complete a practicum, and continue in the school counseling seminar.
    • This article describes their journey, which I, as a teacher educator with practicum students in the kindergarten classrooms, was fortunate to witness.


early 20th century: from late Latin, neuter of practicus 'practical'.

  1. plural form of practicum
