2024年3月29日 星期五

habit, liven, enliven, vegetate, revegetation, quartier, inactivity. ‘Saint Francis of Assisi’ "Beard has put together a wonderful narrative that enlivens the world of a group of Roman emperors that readers already fascinated by a classical version of Roman antiquity will certainly love."

Edward Watts reviews Mary Beard’s "Emperor of Rome": "Beard has put together a wonderful narrative that enlivens the world of a group of Roman emperors that readers already fascinated by a classical version of Roman antiquity will certainly love." https://lareviewofbooks.org/....../the-crisis-of....../


This Is What Your Thanksgiving Meal Is Missing

Nov. 16, 20

State of the Art

Wearable Devices Nudge You to Health

Tracker devices like Fitbit and Up keep you aware of your inactivity and lack of sleep, and motivate you to put your life onto a healthier track.
A Paris Quartier Surges
New cafes and bars are enlivening a stretch of the 10th Arrondissement.

'Chindonya girls' liven city streets

'Chindonya girls' liven city streets


  • 発音記号[láivən]



  • 発音記号[inláivən]
1 …を活気づける, 生き生きさせる;…を躍動的にさせる.
2 …を陽気にする, にぎやかにする, 引き立たせる.

(vĕj'ĭ-tāt') pronunciation

intr.v., -tat·ed, -tat·ing, -tates.
  1. To grow or sprout as a plant does.
  2. Pathology. To grow in size or spread abnormally.
  3. To exist in a state of physical or mental inactivity or insensibility.
  4. Informal. To engage in relaxing or passive activities, such as watching television.
[Latin vegetāre, vegetāt-, to enliven. See vegetable.]

re·veg·e·tate (rē-vĕj'ĭ-tāt') pronunciation

v., -tat·ed, -tat·ing, -tates. v.tr.
To cause (eroded land, for example) to bear a new cover of vegetation.

To bear a new cover of vegetation.

revegetation re·veg'e·ta'tion n.

From French quartier.



Quartier n (genitive Quartiers, plural Quartiere)
  1. accommodation, quarters

The word habit most often refers to a usual way of behaving or a tendency that someone has settled into, as in "good eating habits." In its oldest sense, however, habit meant "clothing" and had nothing to do with the things a person does in a regular and repeated way.Jun 19, 2023
