2023年12月3日 星期日

vast, congestion, Congestion Pricing, drive-through, halve, holdings

Benjamin List and David MacMillan independently developed a precise new tool for building new molecules – organocatalysis – which has made chemistry greener. 

Catalysts are used to control and accelerate reactions in a vast number of industries. Our laureates have shown that organic catalysts, which are cheaper and more environmentally friendly than traditional catalysts, can be used to drive multitudes of chemical reactions. 

Using these reactions, researchers can now more efficiently construct anything from new pharmaceuticals to molecules that can capture light in solar cells. They have even identified an organocatalyst that can break down plastic waste.  

They are not the only laureates whose work has made our lives more sustainable, from growing enough food to feed Earth’s growing population and combatting deforestation, to highlighting the damaging effect of CFC gases on ozone. 

Learn more: https://www.nobelprize.org/spotlight-on-sustainability/ 

#EarthDay #NobelPrize

Congestion Pricing’s Impact on New York? These 3 Cities Offer a Glimpse.

Following London, Stockholm and Singapore, New York City is on the verge of becoming the first in the U.S. to try to cut traffic by charging some a fee.

Holders of more than half of Greek bonds have pledged to participate in the debt-exchange offer, in a restructuring that will see the value of their holdings more than halved.

U.S. Will Halve Vast Iraq Embassy

"We’re trying to do our best to save the American taxpayer money in the way we support our diplomatic personnel."

Chefs around the nation are using trucks to bring high-end food to the masses at drive-through prices.

Michael Jackson Doctor's Max Sentence Halved By State Law Conrad Murray was sentenced to 4 years for his role in the pop singer's 2009 death but will serve only 2.


  • 発音記号[hǽv | hɑ'ːv]

1 …を半分にする, 二(等)分する;…を(人と)折半する((with ...)).
2 …を半減する.
3 《ゴルフ》〈ホール・ラウンド・マッチを〉(相手と)同じ打数で終える, 引き分ける((with ...))
halve a hole with
4 〈材木を〉相欠(あいが)き継ぎにする((together)).

(hăv, häv) pronunciation
tr.v., halved, halv·ing, halves.
  1. To divide (something) into two equal portions or parts.
  2. To lessen or reduce by half: halved the recipe to serve two.
  3. Informal. To share (something) equally: The twins halve everything.
  4. Sports. To play (a golf game or hole) using the same number of strokes as one's opponent.

[Middle English halven, from half, half. See half.]

《中英對照讀新聞》Netherlands to levy ’green’ toad tax by the kilometer 荷蘭將以行車里程課徵「綠色」道路稅


The Dutch government said it wants to introduce a "green" road tax by the kilometer from 2012 aimed at cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 10 percent and halving congestion.


The Cabinet approved a bill calling for drivers of an average passenger car to pay a base rate of 0.03 euro per kilometer, beginning in 2012. Drivers of heavier, more polluting vehicles will pay more, and the cost will go up for driving in peak hours.


GPS will track the time, hour and place each car moves and send the data to a billing agency.


But the annual road tax and purchase tax for new cars will be abolished, reducing the price of a new car 25 percent, the Transport Ministry said.


Nearly 6 out of 10 drivers will benefit under the system, the ministry said, but government revenue would remain the same. Public transportation, including taxis, will be exempt.


The ministry calculated that overall traffic will drop about 15 percent, peak-hour congestion will be halved, traffic deaths will fall 7 percent and carbon emissions from road travel will be cut by 10 percent.



levy︰動詞, 強索、徵收。例句︰The judge livied a $3 million fine against the factory for polluting the river.(法官因該工廠污染河流,處以300萬美元罰鍰。)

congestion︰名詞,壅塞、密集。例句︰I don’t like driving through Bangkok because there’s too much congestion.(我不喜歡在曼谷開車,因為交通太壅塞了。)

call for︰片語,要求、規定。例句︰The regulations call for working in three shifts.(章程規定按三班制工作。)
