2024年2月28日 星期三

Trump's favorability rating hits 16-Month High, unmoored, mooring, dictatorship, approve, approval rate.Voters Air Discontent;

Trump's favorability rating hits 16-Month High,

【美國大選】特朗普支持率領先拜登 創2022年以來最高
特朗普(Donald Trump)的平均支持率升至自2022年中期選舉前以來的最高位。RealClearPolitics的民調均值顯示,42%的選民表示對特朗普持支持看法,這高於2022年12月的歷史低位36%。如今人們對他的看法好於拜登,約40%的人對拜登持支持態度。

And there is political peril in Japan: 37 percent is the current favorability rating for Japan’s prime minister, Yoshihide Suga. His political fortunes may be tied too closely to the Games to cancel them.

Herta Müller, the Romanian-born German novelist and essayist who writes of the oppression of dictatorship in her native country and the unmoored existence of the political exile, won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday. On Nov. 18, 1976, Spain's parliament approved a bill to establish a democracy after 37 years of dictatorship.

  unmoored v., -moored, -moor·ing, -moors. v.tr.
  1. To release from or as if from moorings.
  2. Nautical. To release (a ship) from all but one anchor.

To cast off moorings.

v. tr. - 起錨, 解纜 v. intr. - 起錨, 解纜

한국어 (Korean)

日本語 (Japanese) v. - …のともづなを解く, 揚げて単錨泊にする, 抜錨する

mooring n.
  1. The act or an instance of making fast an aircraft or a vessel, as by a cable or anchor.
  2. A place or structure to which a vessel or aircraft can be moored.
  3. Equipment, such as anchors or chains, for holding fast a vessel or an aircraft.
  4. Elements providing stability or security. Often used in the plural: lost their emotional moorings during the war.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[diktéitərʃìp]
[名][U][C]独裁政権[政府, 国];独裁権, 専制;独裁者の地位
dictatorship of the proletariat プロレタリア独裁.
