2011年7月15日 星期五

come out of, Integrity, Rung

Mr. Li, the MediaExpress spokesman, said the company now has misgivings about how it listed in the U.S. 'We had never considered that this way of listing would come [at the expense] of investor trust,' he said.

come out of
Also, come from or come of. Issue, proceed, or result from, as in What good can come out of all this wrangling? or Where are these questions coming from? or What do you think will come of this change? The first term dates from the early 1600s, the second from the early 1200s, and the third from the late 1500s. Also see where one is coming from.

レポートによると、OSS の整合性、品質、セキュリティは全体的に向上しており、毎年、Coverity 認定の「Integrity Rung」(整合性レベル)ランクを上げているプロジェクトが増え続けている、とのことだ。 具体的には、静的解析の欠陥密度が16%減少したことが判明、 ...

Integrity Ladder with Questions and User's Guide
laws (Rung 5 of the Integrity Ladder). Other companies may believe that
compliance .... preferred integrity rung of the ladder is often not constructive

Clay Jones / The Free Lance-Star / Creators Syndicate

━━ n. (はしごの)段; (いすなどの)桟; (車の)輻(や).
start at the bottom rung 一番低い地位から始める.

  1. A rod or bar forming a step of a ladder.
  2. A crosspiece between the legs of a chair.
  3. The spoke in a wheel.
  4. Nautical. One of the spokes or handles on a ship's wheel.
  5. A level or degree in a hierarchy: a middle manager awaiting a promotion to the next rung.
[Middle English, from Old English hrung.]

  • [intégrəti]
1 正直, 誠実, 高潔, 廉直(honesty)
a person of high integrity
2 完全な状態, 無欠(性), もとのままの状態, 無傷の状態
territorial integrity
