2009年11月22日 星期日

coast, coast through, get your brain in gear, myopic

The Vatican said it was shocked by the ruling, calling it "wrong and myopic" to exclude the crucifix from education. The Italian government says it will appeal against the decision.


Nearly half of British workers say mid-morning on Tuesday is the moment when they feel most stressed at work, a study suggests.


The makers of the health supplement Bimuno polled 3,000 adults and found most workers coast through Monday getting their brain in gear and catching up with gossip from the weekend through social networking sites.


A company can coast for a long time when it starts with a dominant share of an enormous and hard-to-penetrate market in the world's largest economy─but given enough time, and enough incrementally myopic decisions, and it will eventually run out of momentum.


coast through:片語,順利地、輕鬆地通過。例句:They coast through the national tennis championship.(他們在全國網球錦標賽輕鬆過關斬將。)

get brain in gear:片語,讓腦袋思路清晰。例句:You’d better get your brain in gear for the coming presentation.(你最好整理好你的腦袋,以備即將而來的簡報。)

myopic:形容詞,(帶有不贊成意味)原指近視的,引申指缺乏遠見的、目光短淺的,如Their myopic refusal to act now will undoubtedly cause problems in the future.(他們拒絕採取行動的短視作法,未來一定會引發更多問題。)

get your brain in gear (informal)
to make yourself start thinking clearly and effectively I've got to get my brain in gear for the meeting this afternoon.


    1. Land next to the sea; the seashore.
    2. Coast The Pacific coast of the United States.
  1. A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled.
  2. The act of sliding or coasting; slide.
  3. Obsolete. The frontier or border of a country.

v., coast·ed, coast·ing, coasts. v.intr.
    1. To slide down an incline through the effect of gravity.
    2. To move effortlessly and smoothly. See synonyms at slide.
  1. To move without further use of propelling power.
  2. To act or move aimlessly or with little effort: coasted for a few weeks before applying for a job.
  3. Nautical. To sail near or along a coast.
v.tr. Nautical.

To sail or move along the coast or border of.

[Middle English coste, from Old French, from Latin costa, side.]

coastal coast'al ('stəl) adj.
