2009年5月14日 星期四

risk-weighted assets, stabbing, the Knives Come Out, Barack The Knife

As some larger banks become confident enough to repay funds from the government's troubled asset relief programme, the Treasury will recycle that money into smaller banks with under $500m (€366m, £329m) in assets, Mr Geithner said. They will have six more months to apply for funds and the Treasury will also increase the amount of money they can access from 3 per cent of risk-weighted assets to 5 per cent.
盖特纳表示,随着一些较大型银行变得足够自信,开始偿还政府“问题资产救助计划”(Tarp)所提供的资金,财政部将会重复利用这些资金,把它们投入到资 产不足5亿美元的较小的银行中。它们将有另外6个月时间来申请资金,财政部还会将它们所能获得的资金量,从占风险加权资产的3%提高到5%。

Universal Music Takes Another Stab Online

A pending executive shuffle at Universal Music illustrates how labels have yet to find a truly money-making online strategy despite repeated attempts.

Today's Papers: Barack The Knife

大刀 Obamas

With Spending Set, at Least for Now, the Knives Come Out
President Obama used a “fiscal responsibility summit” to promise he would make tough decisions to move the nation’s balance sheet back toward balance.

Shoestring Opera Evokes Nero’s Rome, on Bleecker
Opera Omnia is New York’s latest stab at creating an opera company: a Baroque one at that.

knives come out 指拿出刀子 要嚴格執行預算之平衡
balance sheet 資產負債表


verb -bb-

1 [T] to injure someone with a sharp pointed object such as a knife:

She was stabbed several times in the chest.

He was jailed for fifteen years for stabbing his wife to death.

2 [I or T] to make a short forceful pushing movement with a finger or a long thin object:

As she spoke she stabbed the air with her finger.

He stabbed at the meat with his fork.


noun [C]

1 the act of pushing a knife into someone, or a wound caused by stabbing:

He was admitted to Middlesex hospital with stab wounds.

2 a sudden feeling, especially an unpleasant one such as pain:

She felt a stab of envy when she saw all the expensive presents Zoe had been given for Christmas.

3 an action or remark that attacks someone's reputation:

Her criticism of the company's plans was a stab at the chairman himself.


noun [C]

when someone stabs someone:

There have been several stabbings in our neighbourhood recently.



stabbing pain a sudden pain:

She was awoken by a sharp stabbing pain in her chest.

you could cut the atmosphere with a knife

used to describe a situation in which everyone is feeling very angry or nervous and you feel that something unpleasant could soon happen

risk-weighted assets

In terms of the minimum amount of capital that is required within banks and other institutions, based on a percentage of the assets, weighted by risk.
Investopedia Says:
The idea of risk-weighted assets is a move away from having a static requirement for capital. Instead, it is based on the riskiness of a bank's assets. For example, loans that are secured by
