2016年5月7日 星期六

channel, river channel, channel-agnostic, gnostic, agnostic, telematics, real, officiate, direct marketing,

360° video of Cambridge archaeologists working at Must Farm, a Bronze Age site near Peterborough.
The Must Farm project is an excavation of a settlement at the site that was destroyed by fire, causing it to collapse into a river channel, preserving the contents in situ. Information on the progress and discoveries can be found in Bronze Age Timber Platform.

Direct marketing is a channel-agnostic form of advertising that allows businesses and nonprofits organizations to communicate straight to the customer, with advertising techniques that can include Cell Phone Text messaging, email, interactive consumer websites, online display ads, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters, and outdoor advertising.

And he became master of Trinity, an institution regarded, at least by those who have attended it, as the pinnacle of British academic life. That was a post he hugely enjoyed. He did not even mind the master’s duty of officiating in chapel, since he was, he explained, not atheist but agnostic (a word usefully invented by his grandfather), and was “very conscious that there is no scientific explanation for the fact that we are conscious.”

Voegelin sought to discover what lay beneath the gnostic turbulence, advocating a philosophy of human consciousness which would reveal the truth. The revulsion shown towards modernity and his theological style have seen him categorized as a conservative thinker, although he himself disputed this.

Taiwan, China look to cooperate in telematics
Search-Autoparts.com - North Olmsted,OH,USA
Taiwan is looking to become a major worldwide supplier of automotive telematics devices through cooperation with China, said Deputy Minister of Economic ...

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

in real words

 direct marketing  或譯直效行銷


中文(繁體)(Chinese (Traditional))
adj. - 真的, 真正的, 真誠的, 衷心的, 現實的, 實在的, 實際的
adv. - 很, 確實地
n. - 實數, 現實
  • for real 確實的, 確實地, 認真的, 認真地
  • in real terms 在真正的條件之下
  • real ale 散裝啤酒
  • real estate 不動產
  • real life 實際生活, 現實生活
  • real mode 實式, 實模式
  • real money 現金, 真幣, 國幣, 大筆錢
  • real property 不動產, 實產, 房地產物的財產
  • real time 同時, 即時, 真正的時間
  • real world 真正的世界, 工作的世界
  • the real thing 貨真價實

adj. - 現実の, 実際の, 真実の, 本物の, 真に迫った, 真の, 不動産の, 実数の
adv. - 本当に
  • for real 本当の, 本物の
  • in real terms 本音で
  • real ale エール
  • real estate 不動産
  • real life 現実の
  • real live 現実のもの
  • real money 実質貨幣, 現金
  • real property 不動産
  • real time リアルタイム
  • real world 実世界
  • the real McCoy 本物
  • the real thing 本場物

('əl, rēl) pronunciation
    1. Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence: real objects; a real illness.
    2. True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal: real people, not ghosts; a film based on real life.
    3. Of or founded on practical matters and concerns: a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time.
  1. Genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious: real mink; real humility.
  2. Being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name: a real friend.
  3. Free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation: tourists hoping for a real experience on the guided tour.
  4. Not to be taken lightly; serious: in real trouble.
  5. Philosophy. Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.
  6. Relating to, being, or having value reckoned by actual purchasing power: real income; real growth.
  7. Physics. Of, relating to, or being an image formed by light rays that converge in space.
  8. Mathematics. Of, relating to, or being a real number.
  9. Law. Of or relating to stationary or fixed property, such as buildings or land.
adv. Informal
Very: I'm real sorry about that.

  1. A thing or whole having actual existence. Often used with the: theories beyond the realm of the real.
  2. Mathematics. A real number.
for real Slang.
  1. Truly so in fact or actuality: "Is this place for real? A wolf in a ... leisure suit and a cow in a print dress wait patiently on the couch in the lobby" (Teresa Carson).
[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin reālis, from Latin rēs, thing.]
realness real'ness n.
SYNONYMS real, actual, true, existent. These adjectives mean not being imaginary but having verifiable existence. Real implies authenticity, genuineness, or factuality: Don't lose the bracelet; it's made of real gold. She showed real sympathy for my predicament. Actual means existing and not merely potential or possible: "rocks, trees ... the actual world" (Henry David Thoreau). True implies consistency with fact, reality, or actuality: "It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true" (Bertrand Russell). Existent applies to what has life or being: Much of the beluga caviar existent in the world is found near the Caspian Sea. See also synonyms at


1 ほんとうの, 真の;実質的な, 文字どおりの;本物の, 真正の
a real diamond
one's real identity
real sympathy
a real friend
What's the real reason for his strange behavior?
He is a real idiot.
Real wages went down in terms of buying power.
[類 語]real本質的に真正である. 外見と実際が一致している. actual現実に存在する. 実際に起こった, 想像的・抽象的でない:an actual event現実の出来事. true realなもの, actualなものに照らして真正である, 偽りのない:a true Japanese日本人らしい日本人/the true envoy本物の使者.
2 現実の, 実存する, 実際の
the real world
3 〈人物の(描写などが)〉真に迫った, リアルな
The characters in the novel seem quite real.
4 《哲学》実存する;実在的な.
5 不動産の
real rights
6 《光学》実像の
a real image
7 《数学》実数値の;実数を用いた
a real number
Get real!
the real things
(まがいものや空想ではない)本物, 実物, 本番;真の恋.
▼a real thingは「実在物」で, 文脈により「大使」などをさす.
━━[副]((米略式))ほんとうに, まったく
a real interesting subject
I think those are real pretty.
1 《数学》実数.
2 ((the 〜))真実, 実在(するもの);現実, 実態, 実状.
for real
((主に米話))ほんとうの[に], 本気の[で]
You mean she dyed her hair green for real?
Are you for real ?
君, 本気かい
Are UFOs for real?

Originally coined to mean the convergence of telecommunications and information processing, the term later evolved to refer to automation in automobiles. GPS navigation, integrated hands-free cellphones, wireless communications and automatic driving assistance systems all come under the telematics umbrella. General Motor's OnStar was the first to combine GPS with roadside assistance and remote diagnostics (see GPS).
Bluetooth wireless is used to interface a driver's cellphone and PDA into the vehicle's audio system, and a wireless standard for all vehicles is expected (see DSRC).

Gnos·tic (nŏs'tĭk) pronunciation

  1. gnostic Of, relating to, or possessing intellectual or spiritual knowledge.
  2. Of or relating to Gnosticism.
A believer in Gnosticism.
[Late Latin Gnōsticus, a Gnostic, from Late Greek Gnōstikos, from Greek gnōstikos, concerning knowledge, from gnōsis, knowledge. See gnosis.]

(ăg-nŏs'tĭk) pronunciation
    1. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
    2. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
  1. One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.
  1. Relating to or being an agnostic.
  2. Doubtful or noncommittal: "Though I am agnostic on what terms to use, I have no doubt that human infants come with an enormous 'acquisitiveness' for discovering patterns" (William H. Calvin).
[A-1 + GNOSTIC.]
agnostically ag·nos'ti·cal·ly adv.
WORD HISTORY   An agnostic does not deny the existence of God and heaven but holds that one cannot know for certain whether or not they exist. The term agnostic was fittingly coined by the 19th-century British scientist Thomas H. Huxley, who believed that only material phenomena were objects of exact knowledge. He made up the word from the prefix a-, meaning "without, not," as in amoral, and the noun Gnostic. Gnostic is related to the Greek word gnōsis, "knowledge," which was used by early Christian writers to mean "higher, esoteric knowledge of spiritual things"; hence, Gnostic referred to those with such knowledge. In coining the term agnostic, Huxley was considering as "Gnostics" a group of his fellow intellectuals-"ists," as he called them-who had eagerly embraced various doctrines or theories that explained the world to their satisfaction. Because he was a "man without a rag of a label to cover himself with," Huxley coined the term agnostic for himself, its first published use being in 1870.


Pronunciation: /agˈnɒstɪk/
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Definition of agnostic


  • a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.


  • relating to agnostics or agnosticism.
  • (in a non-religious context) having a doubtful or non-committal attitude towards something:until now I’ve been fairly agnostic about electoral reform
  • [usually in combination] Computing denoting or relating to hardware or software that is compatible with many types of platform or operating system:many common file formats (JPEG, MP3, etc.) are platform-agnostic



Pronunciation: /-sɪz(ə)m/



mid 19th century: from a-1 'not' + gnostic

(ə-fĭsh'ē-āt') pronunciation

v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates. v.intr.
  1. To perform the duties and functions of an office or a position of authority.
  2. To serve as an officiant.
  3. Sports. To serve as a referee or umpire.
v.tr. Usage Problem
  1. To perform from a position of authority (an official duty or function).
  2. To serve as an officiant at (a ceremony): officiated the wedding ceremony.
  3. To serve as a referee or umpire at (a game): officiated the hockey game.
[Medieval Latin officiāre, officiāt-, to conduct, from Latin officium, service, duty. See office.]
officiation of·fi'ci·a'tion n.
officiator of·fi'ci·a'tor n.
USAGE NOTE   Officiate has long seen use as an intransitive verb, but it has recently developed a transitive use. A vast majority of the Usage Panel (91 percent) approves of the intransitive use of officiate, as in the sentence The wedding was held in the garden, a minister and priest officiating. The Panel views transitive uses much less favorably. The use of officiate in sporting contexts, as in the sentence He officiated National Hockey League games for 15 years is approved by only 38 percent of the Panel. This usage may be unremarkable when appearing on the sports page, but it should be avoided in general writing. Support for this usage in more traditional contexts, such as weddings, plummets further. Only 22 percent of the Panel approves of the sentence A minister officiated the wedding, which was held in a garden.

  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 河床,川底,流床.
  3. 2 〔海事〕 (海,湖など2つの水域の間の)可航水路,水道,航路(navigable route).
  4. 3 水路,河道,澪みお:川[湾,海峡などで]水流のある深水部.
  5. 4 (大陸と島との間などの)広い海峡(◆strait よりも大きい)
    • イギリス海峡.
  6. 5 (話題・思想・行動などの)方向,筋道(course);活動分野
  7. 6
  8. (1)(物の通過・経由する)径路,ルート,(移動する)道筋,路線(route)
    • channels of trade
    • 貿易ルート.
  9. (2)((米話)) 麻薬(の入手)ルート.
  10. 7 ((channels)) ((単数扱い)) (一定の,指定された,公式の)伝達経路[手段],ルート,道筋
  11. 8 溝(groove,furrow);(道路わきの)溝,水渠すいきょ;用水路.
  12. 9 近づく手段,接近手段
    • He considers the Senate a channel to the White House.
    • 彼は上院議員になることが大統領になる早道だと考えている.
  13. 10 〔建築〕
  14. (1)(柱に彫られた)縦溝(flute).
  15. (2)(ドリス式建築で)トリグリフ(triglyph)の突起した垂直溝.
  16. (3)溝形材:「コ」の字形の建築材・構材.
  17. (4)((集合的)) 溝形材.
  18. (5)=channel iron.
  19. 11 (ジャズ・ポピュラー音楽で)ブリッジ(bridge).
  20. 12 (テレビ・ラジオ・無線・電話などの)周波数帯,チャネル.
  21. 13 〔電子工学〕 チャネル.
  22. (1)電気信号の通路.
  23. (2)(半導体で)電界効果トランジスターにおいて電流の流れる通路.
  24. 14 〔コンピュータ〕 チャンネル.
  25. (1)1つのコンピュータ内,または複数のコンピュータ相互間,あるいは周辺装置間で,信号やデータをやり取りする伝送路.
  26. (2)記録媒体の中で,1つの読み書き機構でアクセスできる部分;track ともいう.
  27. 15 チャネル:ステレオ録音・再生における2種類以上の音信号の一つ.
  28. 16 〔細胞生物〕 チャネル:細胞膜に埋め込まれたタンパク質によって一時的に細胞膜に生ずる開口部;特定のイオンまたは分子の膜内外への通過が可能となる.
  29. 17 (液体を通す)導管,水管.
  30. 18 (衣服の)(ゴム)ひもを通すため筒状に縫った部分;紐通し口
  31. 19 ヨット[船]の舷側から突き出た厚板.
  32. 20 ((俗)) (麻薬を打つ)静脈(◆主にひじの内側や足の甲).
  33. 21 霊媒(者).
