2024年3月22日 星期五

tabby, stun, stunning, mottle, perimeter, bieberesque, upset victories bring attention, alumni donations and a lot of work.

What’s It Like to Be Cinderella in March? These Schools Know.

For universities like St. Peter’s, Fairleigh Dickinson and Florida Gulf Coast, upset victories bring attention, alumni donations and a lot of work.

'The Love Song of Jonny Valentine'

Reviewed by JESS WALTER
The Bieberesque 11-year-old hero of Teddy Wayne's new novel is beginning to realize that he's a confection - manufactured, managed and manipulated by a corporate team of adults.

 Japan stuns Spain in men's soccer; Senegal ties hosts
Detroit Free Press
CARDIFF, Wales -- Japan upset Spain, 1-0, on the first day of the men's Olympic football tournament Thursday, Brazil held on for a 3-2 victory over Egypt, and host Britain settled for a 1-1 draw with Senegal. Uruguay and Belarus also won as the tournament ...

Under the federal guidelines, a prison term of over 10 years means Mr. Rajaratnam will not be eligible to serve the first part of his sentence in a minimum-security work camp, and instead will be assigned initially to a low security facility. According to the B.O.P. website, that means he will be behind "double-fenced perimeters," with "mostly dormitory or cubicle housing."

Can a Form of HIV Actually Cure Cancer? A stunning new therapy could be a significant leap forward in treating Leukemia and other cancers.

When surgeons operated on Schroeder again, they were stunned to find 16 pieces of medical equipment in the man’s body. This included "a needle, a six-inch roll of bandage, a six-inch long compress, several swabs and a fragment of surgical mask," writes the Daily Mail.

stun:動詞,使震驚、使昏迷,擊昏。例句:The country was stunned by the magnitude of this disaster.(這起災害的規模讓全國震驚。)


  • 発音記号[stʌ'n]
[動](他)(〜ned, 〜・ning)
1 〈人・打撃などが〉〈人を〉気絶させる, 人事不省に陥らせる
A blow to his face stunned the boxer.
2 〈人を〉びっくりさせる, ぼう然とさせる;強い印象を与える
be stunned byto do, that] ...
a stunned silence
The news stunned him so badly he could not talk.
3 〈音響が〉〈耳を〉ガーンとさせる.
4 …を打ち負かす.
[古英語stunian(崩壊する)←古フランス語estoner. △ASTONISH stunning
(stŭn'ĭng) pronunciation
  1. Causing or capable of causing emotional shock or loss of consciousness.
  2. Of a strikingly attractive appearance.
    1. Impressive: gave a stunning performance.
    2. Surprising: The President's final decision came with stunning suddenness.
stunningly stun'ning·ly adv.

The result was that few people knew her, outside professional photographers and her poker circle. And that was fine with her. She lived defiantly alone except for Binky, her tabby cat. The only photograph released of her after her death showed a not-unpretty face, crop-haired and heavily lipsticked, about to scowl. She was in her 50s then, and looked as though the camera had outraged her.

n., pl. -bies.
  1. A rich watered silk.
  2. A fabric of plain weave.
    1. A domestic cat with a striped or brindled coat of a gray or tawny color.
    2. A domestic cat, especially a female.
(also tabby cat) A grey or brownish cat mottled or streaked with dark stripes.

找到一個animal communicator,說有人誤以為Rami是野貓,把牠抱上車帶走了,可能還在台東都蘭附近,在一個四周有高牆的地方。Rami不會打電話發短訊,只好請大家幫忙找,牠是隻美麗的英國短毛貓,麻黑條紋,白腳掌白肚皮(tabby and white,見下圖),體型圓肥,和一般台灣貓很不同,看過一次就不會忘。你住台東附近嗎?最近看過這隻貓嗎?不管在街上、山坡或者朋友家?如果有Rami的消息,請立即告訴曙芳(臉書私訊或手機0926346704)。我們都在心急等候,請大家幫忙看看好嗎?

  1. A spinster.
  2. A prying woman; a gossip.
  3. South Atlantic U.S. A mixture of oyster shells, lime, sand, and water used as a building material.
  1. Having light and dark striped markings: a tabby cat.
  2. Made of or resembling watered silk.
[French tabis, from Old French atabis, from Medieval Latin attabī, from Arabic ‘attābī, after al-‘Attābīya, a suburb of Baghdad, Iraq.]

tabby (TAB-ee)

1. A domestic cat with a striped or brindled coat.
2. A domestic cat, especially a female one.
3. A spinster.
4. A spiteful or gossipy woman.
5. A fabric of plain weave.
6. A watered silk fabric.
7. A building material made of lime, oyster shells, and gravel.

For 1-6: From French tabis, from Medieval Latin attabi, from Arabic attabi, from al-Attabiya, a suburb of Baghdad, Iraq, where silk was made, from the name of Prince Attab. Cats got the name tabby after similarity of their coats to the cloth; the derivations of words for females are probably from shortening of the name Tabitha.
For 7: From Gullah tabi, ultimately from Spanish tapia (wall).

"I was playing whist with the tabbies when it occurred, and saw nothing of the whole matter." — Charles James Lever; Jack Hinton, the Guardsman; 1857.

"Kay Sekimachi uses tabby and twill weaving to contrast black and beige linens." Stunning 30-year Retrospective at San Jose Museum of Quilts Textiles; Independent Coast Observer (California); Jan 4, 2008.

"Mayor Carl Smith suggested that tabby fence posts be used around the cemetery's perimeter because the oyster-based concrete would better fit the island's character." — Jessica Johnson; Group Restoring Cemetery; The Post and Courier (South Carolina); Jan 21, 2010.

[名]1 しま[ぶち, とら]猫(tabby cat).2 (特に雌の)飼い猫(⇔tom). ⇒TOMCAT 13 ((軽蔑))おしゃべり女;オールドミス.4 平織り(plain weave)....

bieberesque 4 up, 2 down

1. A word used by Beliebers to emphazise how cool and stunning they think Justin Bieber is.
2. Used to relate something to Justin Bieber.

"Hey, Amory! I heard you went to the Justin Bieber concert at TD Garden!"

"Yeah, I did! I got front row! It was Bieberesque!"


"Hayden, you seen Jimmy's new haircut?"

"OMG, it looks so-! So-"



past tense: mottled; past participle: mottled
  1. mark with spots or smears of colour.
    "green leaves that are heavily mottled with chocolate and maroon"
