2021年2月27日 星期六

"aha!", hesitancy, confrontational, answerable

The Senate confirmed Antony J. Blinken as secretary of state. He is looking to reverse the Trump administration’s confrontational approach to diplomacy.

Far-right movements

Britain First: Trump's 'simply racist' new Twitter pals

Britain First is a relatively small anti-Muslim group that was retweeted
into the world spotlight by President Donald Trump. Its agenda is simply
racist, far-right and confrontational, say most who know it.

The "aha!" moment comes from realizing that there is no single
objective quantifiable measure of quality, but rather, as Wikipedia
puts it --
This definition stresses that quality is inherently subjective -
different people will experience the quality of the same software
very differently. One strength of this definition is the questions it
invites software teams to consider, such as "Who are the people
we want to value our software?" and "What will be valuable to them?"
When we stop chasing objectively measurable quality, we come back to
trying to satisfy specific people, I posit that helps us deliver more
appropriate, more profitable software.

Among the cultural differences the producers had to overcome were the hesitancy and even embarrassment that Korean actresses feel about expressing strong emotions.
“The women are not as confrontational as they are in the United States,” Mr. Longbottom said. “Pointing your finger at someone’s face and chasing them around the stage and yelling at them was something that didn’t come naturally to this group of people.”

They were answerable only to themself.

"We also have a complaint against your accounts officer," thundered Satya Paul Gupta, 78, who heads his neighborhood association. "He sleeps on our files and keeps telling us, 'Next week, next week.' "
The bureaucrat called the accounts officer. "There are complaints against you. Come to my office fast," he said. "You are answerable."

adjective ━━ a. 責任がある ((for; to)); ふさわしい, かなう ((to)); 答えられる.
1 be answerable for sth to be responsible for something that happens:
Soldiers who obey orders to commit atrocities should be answerable for their crimes.

2 be answerable to sb If you are answerable to someone, you have to explain your actions to them because they have the main control and responsibility:
Any European central bank should be directly answerable to the European Parliament.


  1. Subject to being called to answer; accountable. See synonyms at responsible.
  2. That can be answered or refuted: an answerable charge.
  3. Archaic.
    1. Suitable.
    2. Corresponding.
answerability an'swer·a·bil'i·ty or an'swer·a·ble·ness n.
answerably an'swer·a·bly adv.
1 ((叙述))(人に)責めを負う((to ...));(行為に)責任のある((for ...))
a government answerable to the people
He is answerable to me for his behavior.
2 〈質問などが〉答えることのできる.
3 (…に)比例する, 相関する((to ...)).
4 ((古))(…に)一致する, 適合する, かなう((to ...)).

fight or argument:

Some couples seem to like confrontation, but Josh and I hardly ever argue.
There were violent confrontations between police and demonstrators.

verb [I]
to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it:
She hesitated slightly before answering the inspector's question.
"Do you love me?" she asked. He hesitated and then said, "I'm not sure".
[+ to infinitive] If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me.

noun [C or U]
when you pause before doing something, especially because you are nervous or not certain:
After a slight hesitation, she began to speak.
Any hesitation on the part of the government will be seen as weakness.
FORMAL I have no hesitation in recommending Ms Shapur for the job.

If you are hesitant, you do not do something immediately or quickly because you are nervous or not certain:
You seemed a bit hesitant about recommending that restaurant - is something wrong with it?
She gave me a hesitant smile.

She approached the teacher hesitantly.

noun [U]
The president is not known for his hesitancy in such matters.

Used to express surprise, pleasure, or triumph.
