2009年3月15日 星期日

EXIM Bank, mantra, om, aum.

Exim Bank of China has offered Rio Tinto a line of credit if Chinalco's planned investment in the miner gains approval.

is short for:
Export-Import Bank of the United States

mantra, om, aum

  1. Hinduism. A sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer, meditation, or incantation, such as an invocation of a god, a magic spell, or a syllable or portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities.
  2. A commonly repeated word or phrase: “Today's edutainment software comes shrinkwrapped in the magic mantra: ‘makes learning fun.’” (Clifford Stoll).
[Sanskrit mantraḥ.]
mantric man'tric adj.
  • 1. マントラ、真理を表す秘密の言葉、真言{しんごん}、呪文{じゅもん}
  • 2. 持論{じろん}、持説{じせつ}、主義{しゅぎ}、方針{ほうしん}、信念{しんねん}、信条{しんじょう}、モットー、スローガン



  • campaign mantra
  • 選挙運動{せんきょ うんどう}の標語{ひょうご}
  • chant the mantra of structural reform
  • 構造改革主義{こうぞう かいかく しゅぎ}を唱える
  • intone the mantra of revival
  • 復活{ふっかつ}のスローガンを唱える
  • national mantra
  • 国[国民{こくみん}]のスローガン[モットー主義{しゅぎ}信念{しんねん}
  • oft heard mantra
  • oft-heard mantraより転送

The Washington Post broke the story, but it's the only paper not to lead with "bailout king" AIG's plans to pay out about $165 million in bonuses to 400 employees in its financial products division.

break (NOTICE)
verb [I or T] brokebroken
1 to come or bring to notice; to (cause to) be known:
When the scandal broke (= came to the public's attention), the company director committed suicide.
It was the local newspaper which first broke the story (= told the public).
I don't want to be the one to break the news to him (= tell him the bad news).

2 dawn/day breaks When dawn or day breaks, the sun starts to appear in the sky early in the morning:
Dawn broke over the city.

Om on the Range: Cowboys and Meditation

In Hinduism and other Indian religions, a sacred syllable considered the greatest of all mantras. The syllable om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m (in the Sanskrit language, the vowels a and u join to become o), which represent three important triads: earth, atmosphere, and heaven; the major Hindu gods, BrahmaVishnu, and Shiva; and the sacred Vedic scriptures, Rig, Yajur, and Sama (see Vedic religion). Thus om mystically embodies the essence of the universe. It is uttered at the beginning and end of Hindu prayers, chants, and meditation and is also freely used in Buddhist and Jain rituals.
