2024年3月24日 星期日

harbour (HAVE IN MIND). Kenneth Marcus has tried to douse what he says is rising bias against Jews. Some see a crackdown on pro-Palestinian speech.

The New York Times and Wall Street Journal lead with the latest numbers out from the Commerce Department--which douse any hopes one might have harbored for a near-term recovery--and their implications for a stimulus plan that relies on much rosier projections.

The Man Who Helped Redefine Campus Antisemitism

In government and as an outsider, Kenneth Marcus has tried to douse what he says is rising bias against Jews. Some see a crackdown on pro-Palestinian speech.


harbour (HAVE IN MIND) UK, US harbor Show phonetics
verb [T]
to have in mind a thought or feeling, usually over a long period:
He's been harbouring a grudge against her ever since his promotion was refused.
There are those who harbour suspicions about his motives.
Powell remains non-committal about any political ambitions he may harbour.
